22: Dare or Dare?

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Yeri turned to Jungkook, surprised. 'Really? Are you sure??' she asked, knowing what her members were up to.

Jungkook nodded calmly, 'It sounds fun' he said, nonchalantly. Little did she know that inside, his heart was beating a thousand times a second. He wasn't dumb; he knew what her members were up to too, yet he thought this would be the best chance to speed up their relationship - like a catalyst, almost?

Now that they were dating, he wanted to do those cliché 'couple' stuff, and who knows when they were going to meet next. It took them months just to hug properly, and Jungkook knew himself that he'd be too shy to do anything more for now. So he secretly wished that this would make them even more comfortable with eachother, so that from that point onwards, skinship would come naturally to the two.

He was aware all her members were present, which made him even more nervous but he swallowed those nerves down and had to appear confident.

'O-okay then... if you really want' Yeri agreed, a little flustered.

'Great!' Wendy clapped, her hand placed on to the glass bottle infront of them. She forcefully spun the bottle, making it whizz round countless times before it slowed down to it's first victim. Slowly... the bottle landed on none other than Jeon Jungkook himself.

A smile emerged on the members' lips, the four of them glancing at eachother, communicating with their eyes. Yeri, on the other hand, gulped when she saw the bottle point towards her new boyfriend. Her heart started racing, anxious at what was to follow.

'Hmm... since this is only round 1, I'll go easy...' Wendy smiled, thinking of a simple dare. 'I dare you to... hold hands with the girl on your left, until the end of this game'

Jungkook gulped, turning to Yeri. 'Holding hands... that's nothing..' he told himself, yet his heart was thinking differently. Just the thought of holding Yeri's hands for that long made him nervous, but... he was happy to do it. He looked at Yeri before extending his hand out, palm up. Yeri slipped out a small smile before bringing her small hand out and placing it above his, interlocking their fingers together. Jungkook's eyebrows raised, seeing their fingers intertwined together. It felt good. Both their hearts were fluttering like hell but... this truly was only 'step 1'.

They both turned back to the bottle, their hands now connected. 'Aww..' the girls cooed, admiring the new couple. They really were so innocent and young, it was adorable.

'Ok, my turn?' Jungkook said, reaching his other hand and gripping the bottle. He spun it swiftly and it eventually pointed to the girl on his right: Seulgi. He nodded to himself, thankful it landed on her. 'Seulgi-ssi...' he called out, formally. 'I dare you to ask my brother, Jimin, out on another date. It's been a while, hasn't it?' he dared, politely.

Seulgi blushed at the mention of her boyfriend. Her relationship with him was indeed complicated. They had been 'going out' for a long while now, but it never really felt like it. Perhaps it was because the two were always busy, or because they've been together for so long, but she never really felt like she had a 'boyfriend'. Perhaps that would happen to Yeri too, as time went on... Idol relationships really were unfair.

But nevertheless, she really did miss her man. Especially seeing Jungkook and Yeri now together, holding hands, she longed to see Jimin once again.

'Aah...' she smiled her cute eye-smile, slipping her phone out of her back pocket. 'A call?' she asked, not surprised when Jungkook nodded in response. She held on the number #7, quick-dialling him; he was #7, after her two parents and her four members. The phone rang for only a couple seconds before the recipient picked up.

'Seulgi-ah?' Jimin called out, sounding happy.

'Yeah, it's me, Minie...' she spoke, embarrassed since all eyes were on her.

just one day • jungri Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant