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Danielle is stuck. She needs that information, but if she stays here she's likely to end up dead before she can get the information.

She decides to stay here. She writes everything down and sends it to Trevor. The last thing she wrote, "I've been found. I'm staying here to try to find the last of the information I need. Do not use this information unless something happens to me. Then it will be up to you to finish this or not. Goodbye, Trevor."

She sent it on a route that is completely untraceable then she erases her hard drive. Then she destroys her laptop and phone.

She debates with herself about what the next step should be, when it's taken out of her hands.

She suddenly finds herself flying through the air. People and empty boxes soften her landing enough that she doesn't break anything. But it is enough to knock her out.

It's the sound of the heart monitor and the pressure of the boa constrictor that they call a blood pressure machine that wakes her.

"Danielle?" Trevor's voice sounds worried.

Danielle sighs, "What are you doing here and better yet, why the hell am I here?"

"You were hit by a car. Witnesses say that the car targeted you and drove on the sidewalk to hit you. Fortunately for you it wasn't going as fast as it had been due to obstructions on the sidewalk."

"How many were killed this time?" Danielle says tears in her eyes.

"None, everyone else was able to get out of the way. Witnesses say that you didn't even try." Danielle hears the censure in his voice.

"I didn't even hear the car coming. I was lost in thoughts. I've sent you everything I know. They have found me and I still don't know who they are. Chet is the key to the answer but I won't be able to get it now. I highly doubt I'll get out of the hospital alive."

Danielle looks at Trevor and smiles, "They'll do the job for you."

"Not funny, Danielle."

"I thought it was." Danielle tries to move and almost screams out in pain. "I won't be able to perform tonight or for several nights, going by how I feel. But then I don't think I'll be getting out of this room..."

"Chet, he knows what happened to you. He's furious and looking into it. He's set guards for your room as well."

"Did you tell him who I am?" Danielle demands.

Trevor hesitates and Danielle closes her eyes. "Only after we found out about someone trying to kill you. You do know that there is a fairly large contract on you, right?"

"On me or on Danielle Williams?" Danielle demands to know. She still has her eyes closed tight due to pain so she doesn't see the look Trevor gives her.

"It's the same person either way isn't it?"

"Not really. Danielle Williams has her own enemies. How much is the contract for?"

"Two million," Trevor tells her softly.

That makes her eyes open wide, "That's more than what is charged for a mafia leader. It's definitely for me and not Danielle. You or Jeremiah could kill me and take the reward for yourselves. Just tell Chet who I am and he can do it."

"He knows, Danielle. He knows everything I know at this time. He wants to help and doesn't care if it makes him a target."


"The same reason I imagine Max did. I love you Danielle and it doesn't matter to me if I become a target." Chet says coming into the room silently.

"Yeah, that attitude killed my husband. I'm not going to get anyone else killed."

Chet offers her a file. "I'm told that you need some information that I hold so that you can find your husband's killer and end them trying to kill you. This is the file I believe you need."

Danielle tries to take the file and almost passes out from pain. Trevor seeing this takes the file and gives it to her.

"I want in when you go after them. No one and I mean no one goes after someone in my protection without my permission."

"I wasn't under your protection Mr. Anderson."

"Call me, Chet, Danielle. Yes, you are. The moment you signed the contract you came fully under my protection. I would like to be in on whatever you do to take them down. They've messed with your life, from what I understand, for a very long time so I won't even try to stop you or get in your way. Let me help you though."

"Trevor here has an overly loud mouth. You know more than I am comfortable with you knowing. I threatened the last man with death if he ever found out the truth about me."

"I'm not going to do anything about what I know. You can trust me and I would be honored if you would do so. By the way, if after everything you still want to sing, you'd always have a job. I've never heard someone sing so beautifully before or be in such demand after just one performance."

"Your words are very kind, Mr. Anderson-"

"I told you to call me, Chet. Mr. Anderson is my father. I most definitely am not my father."

Danielle sniffs, "Yeah, you're right. You most definitely aren't your father." Danielle had seen photos of his father. They don't look anything alike.

"Hey, no need to be insulting," Chet says petulantly.

"Chet knock it off. I have no doubt that when Danielle is released that she'll more than hold her own against you, but now she needs some peace." Trevor says and Danielle wonders if he read her mind. She wants to dig into the file and see if she can find the information that she needs.

"Very well, Mrs. Williams, let me know how I can be of service." Chet nods to her once and removes himself from the room.

"I'll leave to since I know my presence isn't wanted."

"Trevor, when this is over, kill me."

"Danielle-" Trevor starts but stops as Danielle holds up her hand.

"It's the only way for this to end. There is a bounty on me, even if the one that places it is dead the bounty is still good. Kill me and take the money. I'd rather you have the money than anyone else. Besides, I'm so tired of this life. I can't get away from it no matter how hard I try. I just want it to end. If the bastard doesn't kill me, please, Trevor do it?" Danielle pleads with him as tears pool in her eyes.

"It's not a promise I can make, but I'll do what I can. I'm sorry, Danielle that's the best I can do for you on that."

"I understand."

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