Chapter Six

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expect more updates, sooner.....I'm on Summer Vacation!!!!

have fun reading

Ch. 6


I gasped, sitting up in my bed, waking up to the sound of my mother's voice. I looked behind me to see the spot, once warmed by a certain green eyed boy, was empty. I sighed, thinking back to earlier this morning.

"Avery, I have to go" he whispered, gently waking me up.

I smiled at the memory of last night, blushing when I remembered the way Edward touched me.


my mother called again, I cringed at the sound of glass breaking. I could never have a happy thought with her in this house. I slipped on my shorts, hurrying down stairs to see my mother throwing things everywhere. my mouth fell open in surprise, tears brimming over my eyes.

"Mum!" I cried, she was bleeding and she wouldn't stop throwing things.

"Mum!" I called again, rushing to take the broken glass from her hand. I gasped, wincing when the sharp piece of glass cut into the palm of my hand.

"Mum, look at me!" I sobbed, my hands taking her face in them and forcing her eyes to mine. I heard the small glass fall to the floor, my mum's eyes over flowing with tears.

"what have you done?" I whispered, my voice breaking as I looked around the room, everything was thrown around all the cleaning I did, all of it, for nothing.

"Mum?" I looked back into her eyes, for a second, I swore I could see a flash of sorrow, fear and regret in her now dull sea blue eyes.

"Avery" her shaky voice spoke, her hand finding my cheek. I flinched slightly in fear, lashes fluttering as my mother showed me some emotion. though these moments never lasted long. Mum wasn't willing to let herself remember what happened to us, that's why she hides at the bottom of all those bottles she drinks.

"Where are my beers?!" she glared at me, those dull eyes darkening in anger. I gasped in pain as she grabbed my hair, pulling it back, forcing me to look at her.

"I-you d-drank them" I stuttered in fear. she made a disgusted sound, letting me go and walking to pick up her bag.

"where's my money?" she grumbled to herself.

"I need money" she ordered me. I shook my head.

"No, Mum. I haven't gotten paid this week, not till Sunday, even then, we've got no food. I have to use whatever money I have to keep us alive" I mumbled quietly. she glared at me, taking her bag and walking to the door.

"I'll be back" she gritted.

"when, next week?" I snapped. she turned to me, sending me a glare.

"yes, I'll see you next Saturday" she smirked. I glared at her.

"I'm locking the door. I won't let you in if you come before then" I stated.

"good, have fun being alone, you little whore" she called before violently shutting the front door. I let a soft sob, wincing as my wound started to really sting. I walked to the bathroom, rinsing my hand under the running water, before cleaning it and wrapping up my hand.

I was careful when picking up the glass, tossing it away and trying to fix the place up.


I was in my room by now, the day disappearing quickly as the darkness of the night took over. it was around eleven, I was getting ready for bed, Edward wouldn't be coming till later, right?

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