Chapter 2 (part 2)

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I mentally groaned in disgust and pulled her hands off of me.

"Back off Kinsley. I broke up with you two weeks ago. So Leave. Me. Alone." I said, annoyed.

"Oh come on baby. I know you didn't mean it. We can forget about it and can continue being the cutest couple in school" Kinsley said.

Kinsley is my EX-GIRLFRIEND. I broke up with her because she was a clingy, brat, who was over-protective and ALWAYS got jealous. She has dead platinum, blonde hair and pale blue eyes. What I saw in her, I don't know. Maybe because she has blonde hair and blue eyes like Andrew...UGHH!!! Why do I keep thinking about him?!?!?!

I mentally groaned and when I was about to start yelling, my best friend, Zander, walked up to us and put his arm around Kinsley's shoulder.

"Hunter! Just the guy I was looking for. Mrs. Graham wanted to talk to you inside" he said winking, signaling that it was my time to escape and I gladly did.

As I walked into the school, I was instantly swarmed by what you would call "friends". I, of course, didn't see them like that, but who cares. I only had three people I truly could call my friends. There was Zander, who could get me out of bad situations and is the only one who can save me from beating in some dirt-bag's face and getting me kicked off the football team. He is African American and can make anyone laugh at his ridiculous and stupid jokes.

Then there is Josh. He is the strong, silent type. He takes orders from no one, unless it is me. If its me, then he would gladly accept whatever stupid thing I had planned. He is a bigger guy, not in weight, but he was tall and muscular. Josh has a buzz-cut and hazel eyes, but he originally had longish, black hair.

And of course there is little ol' Zoey. Zoey is the only girl I have ever trusted, other than family, and she is a great friend. Most of the guys drool over her, and the girls dream of being her. With her looks, she could get any guy she wanted, but she is a lesbian and doesn't flow that way. She has short, curly, brown hair and has light mocha colored eyes.

As I walked down the hallway, Zander had made his way to my side, then Josh, and finally Zoey. I tried to listen to the joke Zander was making but my dream came back to my head and I knew I wasn't gonna stop thinking about it all day. Even thoigh that dream was like all the other, this felt more...real... I pretended to laugh at the terrible joke Zander said, but once I looked up to see the reason for my dream at the end of the hallway.  There HE was standing next to his closed locker. I had to keep up my bully act, I had to, for the sake of my reputation. I gave him a nasty look and started swiftly walking towards him, leaving my friends in the dust. Though I heard Zoey scoff and whisper under her breathe, "Why can't he just leave the poor guy alone?"

It's his fault I have those dreams. It's his fault I was turning gay. It's his fault I have those lusty thoughts about bending him over and.....UGHHHH.

He slowly backed up, with a terrified look on his face. He started towards the other way and I just followed after him. I was faster than him and caught his arm before he could go into the biology room. I pushed him up against the wall as the bell rang.

I tried to be scary, I really did, but the smell of his shampoo or colonge or whatever was over whelming my senses and I almost didn't want to let go. Once I let go, I headed straight for first period. I walked in the English room and Mrs. Kelly said, "Where have you been Mr. Hunter?"

I gave her my prize winning smile and said  "Just using the restroom."


You guys mad? ; . ;

I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating in like FOREVER!!!!! (At least 10 monthes)

I will work on it!!!! I have been super busy with school stuff and my testing is almost over so yay!!!!

So, how are you guys? Can't wait to start writing again! Ugh so exicited!!!
It will also help if you guys can help me with what you think the characters look like.
Like Hunter, Andrew, Zander, Josh, Zoey, and Kinsley. Your opinions help me out!!! Let the comments come on in!!! And if I agree about your choices of characters, I will dedicate a chapter to you. :)

Well tell me what you think and trust me, I will be updating often now. Not EVERY SINGLE DAY but often :3

Hope you guys like it!!!
Laters, Sassy~Muffin :*

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