Chapter 2 (part 1)

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*Hunter's POV*

I sat on the couch as we watched a movie. I wasn't paying attention and forgot what it was even about. He had his head laying on my lap and I was brushing my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled down at him and put my hand on his cheek.

A coating of lust shined in his eyes and he sat up to straddle me. I put my hands on his lower back and he brought his hands around and intertwined his fingers through my hair. He brought his face closer to mine and brushed his lips on my mine. I shivered and brought our bodies closer together.

He grinded himself on me and I groaned. He brought his lips to mine and we tangled our tongues together in a dance of dominance. And of course I won. We pulled apart and I growled his name,


I shot up from my bed as sweat dripped down my face.

That was the third dream this week and it was always had the same outcome. Though through out the years, they have gotten worse.

Let's not forget that they're always about the same damn person.

I rubbed my hands on my face and groaned. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom across the hall. I had to take a quick shower because Jason, my younger brother by one year, just had to be in the bathroom at the same time everyday. Urgh....damn him and his gay ass.

After I was done in the shower and out of the bathroom, I went into my bedroom and got ready for school. I pulled on my black V-neck short sleeve shirt, my black boxers, and my ripped jeans. I ruffled my black hair, giving it the "Hunter" style and walked down stairs. As I made it to the bottom step, I heard my mom humming in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and the aroma of freshly made pancakes and bacon hit me like a gust of heaven.

Suddenly, my stomach growled and I realized how hungry I really was. I walked around and sat down at the island. My mom turned around from the stove and smiled at me. She gave me a plate of food and once I was finished she said,

"You better hurry up, school is in 30 minutes and you still need to take Stacy to pre-school, you promised."

I sighed and got up from where I was sitting. I walked up the stairs by twos and went into Stacy's room. She a sitting on her pink bed putting on her little pink sandal that matched her new pink flowery dress. She looked up at me and gave a huge smile. I smiled back at her and pulled her up from her bed. I carried her downstairs and set her down once I reached the bottom.

I grabbed my keys and my book bag and walked back into the kitchen and gave my mom a kissed on the cheek.

"Do I have to take Jason to school too or does he already have a ride from one of his boy-toys?"

My mom smacked my arm and gasped. I laughed and she said,


I laughed again and said,

"Mom, calm down, I'm just kidding."

She sighed and gave me a hug.

"No he doesn't, Jessica and Kacey are taking him. And I love you. See you tonight?"

She asked, thinking I wouldn't be here. Before I could answer her, Stacy came running in screaming,


I looked at my mother and we both started cracking up laughing. Mom gave Stacy a hug and kiss on the cheek and told her she loved her. I picked Stacy up after she grabbed her little pink, flowery backpack (Saw that coming didn't ya ;D)and carried her out to my black charger. I didnt have a cover over the top so I just sat Stacy in her car seat that I kept in the trunk. As I got into the drivers seat, Stacy had already put on her seat belt and was ready to go.

As I pulled out of the driveway, we waved goodbye to Mom that was standing at the front door, waving back.

After about 10 minutes of driving to the pre-school and dropping Stacy, I made my way to the highschool which took about 15 minutes.

After putting Stacy's car seat in my trunk, I felt hands go around my head and land an my eyes.

"Guess who?" She said in a high pitched annoying sound.



Wait...its cliffhanger XD




I will post the second half later but for now please read this first half and enjoy!

I will shut my mouth now please Read, Comment, and Vote!!!!

Well if you are reading this then you most likely read the chapter...oh well :3

Please read Bubble~muffins and

Emo~muffins stories too!!!!

Check out 'Granite Falls' as well!!

Laters, Sassy~Muffin :*

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