Chapter 8

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~Andrew's POV~

*Monday Morning*

I awaken to the sound of my alarm going off. I rub my eyes and slam my hand down on the clock, making the annoying sound cease.

I sit up slowly and immediately lay back down. I sooooooo don't want to go to school today. Mondays are the worst.
I hear my phone vibrate against my bed side table and I groan. It's to early for anyone to be awake, even if it is like 6 in the morning.
I grab my phone and press the power button, only to be blinded by the screen light. My phone falls to my face and I groan again. Today just isn't gonna be my day.

I take my phone and look at the screen, squinting from the light. I sit up immediately, reading the screen. I see the normal message I get every morning from Zoey but my eyes bulged as I realized who else had texted me. Jesus Christ, Hunter has my number? Hunter has my fucking number. He actually texted me. When the fuck did he get my number?

Pushing that question aside, I squeal like a little girl and jumped up from my bed, jumping around my room.

I stopped and took a moment to remember everything that had happened the days previous. Ah shit, everything came back to me like a hard, rush of wind. And not everything was pleasant.

*Friday, night of the party*


"Shit shit shit shit shit." Hunter said as he grabbed my wrist and followed Zoey down the stairs. Everything happened so fast. We were inside one minute, outside the next. Climbing over the fence and through people's yards just to get back to Zoey's car.

Once inside the car, I'm pretty sure I blacked out. Thus waking up the next morning in someone else's bed.

Of course I freaked out and jumped out of the strangers bed. I heard steps coming up the stairs from outside the bedroom and the god himself walked in. Hunter, without a shirt on, opened the door and looked from the bed to me.

My mouth fell open and mumbles were the only thing coming out. As he stared at me, I felt my body get hot and my hands got sweaty.

"Um...good morning..." I mumbled to him, looking at the ground.

I glanced up to see him smiling at me.

"Well good morning. There is breakfast down stairs, if you're hungry. No one is home right now so you don't have to put pants on." He said, winking. Once I processed what he said, I looked down to see I only had an oversized shirt on and a pair of boxers.

I blushed a deep red and heard him laugh as he walked back down the stairs.

After that, I remember walking down stairs, eating breakfast with him, us exchanging numbers, and then him taking me home (my clothes on this time).

Like what happened the previous night never happened. I told him my address and he dropped me off. Silent ride over. A cloud of awkwardness and tension hung in the car. He drove off before I could say anything else.

Confusion washed over me, and as soon as I walked inside, I became more confused. A woman sitting at the dining table and my father across from her, laughing at something she said.

"Oh, Andrew, you're home." My father said, standing up from the table.

This man couldn't have been my father. This man didn't look like he wanted it all to end. This man was smiling and looking happy.

"What?" I said, very confused.

"Oh um, this is Georgia. We met on the bus I take to get to work." He said, smiling at her.

"Its very nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you." The "Georgia" woman said to me.

"Weird I haven't heard anything about you. I actually haven't seen much of my dad in months. Uh yeah, I have to go..." I said and ran up the stairs. I wasn't even gonna deal with any of that right now.

I heard my dad sigh before I closed my door. Okay yeah, I acted kinda like a brat and was rude, but he and his new "woman" were the last thing on my mind. Still confused about the whole Hunter thing, I called Zoey, who came and picked me up after my shower and clothes change.

All Saturday consisted of us talking about it. Details are foggy though. That's what consisted of Sunday too. Me getting everything off my chest.

*Back to the present*

I had only an hour before I had to be at school. The real question is, what the hell am I going to do?

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