Chapter 1

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*Andrew's POV*

"Crap" I whispered to myself as I sat up in bed. I winced as my head started to spin, I sat up to fast. I sighed as the pain slowly went away. I looked at the time on my phone and I sighed again. I only had 30 minutes to get ready and I still needed to take a shower. I got off my bed and went into my en suite bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to get warm as I took off my clothes. I climbed in and did the necessary things and got out as soon as I could. I walked back into my room with a towel around my waist. I put on my boxers and took the towel and dried my hair with it. I pulled on a tight red and black checkered sweater, a pair of white skinny jeans, and my black converse. You probably don't know this but I, Andrew James Cole, is an in the closet gay.

I have been gay since.....I don't know. Always have been I guess. Since people pay no attention to me anyway, I find it easy to wear anything I want and not have anyone get suspicious of my sexuality. Moving on.....

After shaking the rest of the water out of my short, shaggy blonde hair, I put my black beanie on and walked down stairs. I knew I was alone in the house because dad usually left before I woke up and came home after I fell asleep. After mom died when I was 6, dad worked non stop. But she died 12 years ago and I was used to being alone.

I looked at the time on my phone again and got out an apple from the fridge. I still had 15 minutes till school started but it took ten minutes to walk. I ,unfortunately, didn't have a car even though I was a senior in high school. We didn't have the money to get me one. I did have my license just not a car to go with it.

I bit into my apple and pulled on my dark gray zip-up sweatshirt. I grabbed my book bag and locked the house up. I started walking down the street and smiled as I felt the cool fall air. Fall was my favorite season and I defiantly loved the colors of the leaves. When I reached the end of the block, I turned left and started towards the huge high school.

Once inside, I felt like a tiny fish in a sea of sharks. When I moved to RedLake (a small town in the middle of no where) back in freshman year, I knew I wouldn't have friends. The first day, the most sexiest god that ever walked this earth threw me into the trash can and everyone laughed and made fun of me. Hunter Riley is the one I'm talking about. Since that day and onwards, I have had the hugest crush on him. The weird thing is, is that he is my bully. He bullies me no matter what I do. When I'm at my locker, he slams it shut. When I'm walking to class, he slams my book out of my hands. Oh and once, he made me spill my lunch all over me. You would think that I hate him with a deep and burning passion, but I don't.....

Who could resist that muscular body; those bright green eyes that you could get lost in; that to die for tan; those nice, plump, pink lips; and that short, black hair that was long enough to just run your fingers through.

I gulped as I felt my "friend" getting hard just thinking about him. Stupid Andrew. I walked up to my locker and put in the combo. I opened it and grabbed my book for biology. I heard laughter from down the hall and my eyes looked up to see the god himself. I gulped and felt my "friend" getting harder than it already was. He stopped laughing and looked up and locked his gaze with mine. He gave me a disgusted look and started walking towards me, sending me a murderous glare. I gulped again but this time not in the good way. Just because he was a heavenly god sent down from heaven, he was also a demon sent from hell and he scared the shit out of me. I closed my locker and slowly started backing up, turned around and ran down the hall towards the biology room.

I was just barely there when I felt a hand grab my shoulder harshly and throw me back on the wall. The bell had rung and everyone was already in class. Then I heard his beautiful, angelic voice say,

"Look who showed up today, thought I scared you off."

I looked into his eyes and choked up. He was standing in front of me, with his hands on my shoulders and I was pushed up against the wall. He bent down and whispered in my ear,

"You shouldn't have looked at me freak. Your lucky I'm in a good mood today."

He pushed my shoulders harder on the wall and hissed in my ear,

"Better get to class freak or else you will be late........ Oops, too late"

It felt as if he didn't want to let me go when he released my shoulders. He started down the hallway, leaving me all alone, heart pounding and slightly scared of what is to come during the rest of my day.


I finally posted a chapter and I am very proud of myself. Hehehehe >:D

Next chapter will be in Hunter's POV and it was going to be in this chapter but then I was like....nah might as well just start another chapter with it. Also, sorry if it is not that lengthy (<----Is that a word?). I'm not very good in the "Writing Long chapters" department, but I will try very hard to make them at least 2 pages long. :P

And thank you to the ones who voted and commented....I was so happy...seriously like I almost exploded :D

Please tell me if I made any errors or you don't understand something because I can easily go back and fix it.

Thanks again and please continue to vote and comment and I will see you in the next chapter.


-SassyMuffin <3

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