Chapter 3

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*Andrew's POV*

 I sighed, as my day went on endlessly. It was almost lunch time and that was the only time I could be alone, other than when I am in the library. 5 more minutes, just sit through 5 more minutes of this stupid English class.

After an eternity of waiting, the bell rang, signaling it was finally time for lunch. I smiled to myself and shot out of my seat and was out of the classroom before anyone else. I made it to the cafeteria and went straight to the lunch line. I grabbed an apple and a bottle of water. I paid for it and was outside before it got too busy. I didn't have a spot at any lunch tables inside so I always sat next to the big, oak tree that was passed the soccer field that was behind the school. During the winter, I stay in the library. There is no food allowed in there, so I happened to lose a lot of weight.

I sigh a breathe of relief. Only two more periods in this hellhole of a school. One friend would be nice, you know? Just one that I can talk to about my problems and my life. I have to go to the consueler's office a lot. She is "scared" I'm gonna "hurt" myself. Psh, please. I wouldn't go that far. My life is shitty, but not that shitty.

As I finish my apple and take a drink of my water, I lean my head up against the tree. If only school could be done now. It ends in the spring, and I still have to deal with college. The only reason I haven't bought myself a car, is because I'm saving up so I can go to college. I am not sure what I want to be yet. Lame, right? Senior in highschool, and still don't know what the hell I am gonna do with my life. Oh well...

Just as I feel myself, slipping into the abyss of sleep, I felt tapping on my shoulder. I didn't open my eyes, thinking it was just my imagination, but now I felt the tapping get stronger. I opened my eyes and looked up to see....a girl?

I took me a second to realize she was actually there, then I realized who it was. I was Hunter's friend, Zoey I think. She smiled down at me and she started talking.

"Um, Hi. I'm Zoey. Hah, you probably already know that. I always see you sitting out here by yourself and I know Hunter has been bullying you since you first got here, and sorry about him. He really is a nice guy at heart. I have so much to say and I know you probably want to be alone..." I thought she was never going to stop talking and why was a popular talking to little ol' me. From what I know, Zoey is the only person in this whole school that likes the same gender. She is so open about it. Why don't people bully her, I will never know. She was still talking and I zoned out for a moment.

I hate saying the words "gay" or "lesbian". I do say it about myself but when I'm describing people or people decribing others,

I tuned back into what she was saying and said, "Huh?" Ughhhhh, why did I say that like I was an idiot?

She giggled and repeated herself, "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out and become friends? I know about your...secret. You don't hide it very well. Others may not know, but I have a keen eye. I'm like a ninja. Always watching."

I smiled at her and laughed. I didn't mind her knowing my sexuality for some reason. Maybe because she was like me? She froze and stood still for a moment. She had a huge smile on her face.

"You smiled. That's the first time I have seen you smile all these four years." she said excitedly.
"Oh won't you be friends with me? It would be an honor." she said excitedly.

I was silent for a moment. "Why would you want to be friends" I said, bowing my head down.

She was quiet and I looked back up at her to see her still smiling at me. "You seem like a good, nice person. I think everyone is equal. No populars. No Geeks. No special social groups. What's the point. Sure, people like different things, but that doesn't give people the right to put others in groups. You seem like the type of person that wasn't in a "group", always been your own person and I like that about you. So how about it? Friends?" She said holding out her hand towards me. I looked at it, then her, then her hand, then her again. I felt tears coming to my eyes, but I wasn't going to cry. I put my hand in hers and stood from my sitting position. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

I whispered, "Thank you" as a tear of joy went down my cheek. A friend! Kind of weird that I was JUST thinking about this and to think, a popular, wanting to friends with me!!! She wiped it away and she still had that contagious, beautiful smile on her face. Right as I was about to say something, the bell rang, signaling us to move our butts to class. Only two more peiods.


Yo yo yo yo yo

Next chapter is here, yay!!!!!

OMG, Andrew has a friend, YAYYY. But she is also Hunter's bestfriend....CONFLICTS!!!! :D

So I did get some comments about who the cast would be and I loved it!!!!
You/I might have trouble finding the others but we will prevail!!!

I hope you guys like the chapter!!!! :)

Dedication goes out the the amazing person that helped cast Andrew, Hunter, and Zander.
Woohoo!!! Go Dipdyedfroggy!!! Whoop whoop!!! Yay!!!!

Next chapter will be coming soon, my lovely people. 

Laters :*

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