Snow Day

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School was closed because of the snow.

Rai was looking out the window at the snow. Regis, Seira, and Frankenstien were sitting on the couch, drinking tea. *Bang!* They turned around to see Tao running with a mischievous grin. Takio and M-21 chased him outside, while Frankenstien walked out, after them. His dark aura grew with his anger. As he walked out the door after them, he got hit in the face with a snow ball M-21 threw. His dark aura got darker and darker. The trio gulped, and knew what was to happen. They knew that the wilder dark spear got, the crazier he got.

In the house

Rai, Regis, and Seira felt his energy. The two nobles were worried about the trio. Rai knew how Frankenstien was. They walked to the door to hear screaming.

Back outside

When the three walked out the door they heard screaming, and saw the trio had a spike of dark energy threw there shoulder. Frankenstien was still mad he was about to shoot another spear of dark energy at them until his master called out to him. He turned around to see his master and calmed down. He apologized to his master for loseing his cool.

They all went back in the house. The three men were in Frankenstien's lab, getting treated for there wounds. After he finished, they went back to the living room. Frankenstien went to the kitchen to fix tea. He was on his way back, when he heard the door bell.

*Ding Dong* *Ding Dong*

Tao was at the door, saw them on the monitor, and let them in. The kids came in, wearing snow gear. "Hello Chairman! Hello Rai, Seira,Regis, and big bros!" The kids yelled in excitement.

"Hello, what are y'all doing today?" Tao asked. "Were here to make y'all have some fun!" Shinwu yelled. Frankenstien sighed.

30 minutes later

Everyone was dressed for the snow going outside. The kids made teams of two for a snowball fight. The ones on team one was, Rai, Frankenstien, Yuna, Tao, and Regis. On team two was, Ikhan, Shinwu, Sui, Seira, Takio, and M-21.

"Let the games begin!" Shinwu yelled, throwing a snowball at Tao, hitting him in the stomach. Tao hurriedly made a few and ran after them. Regis, Seira, and Rai didn't know what to do. They never played this before.

Frankenstien noticed and quickly explained the game. The three then made a snowball. Regis went after Takio, Seira went after Shinwu, and Rai, with a small grin, went after Frankenstien.

Many hours have passed and they were having fun. They were all tired, and worn out, they all went inside for some hot coco.

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