Request #4

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Video by: Raskreia Cadiz
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The request is:
Rajak x Raskreia

Today was a special day for two specific love birds. Rajak and his beloved, Rasacrea were getting married. Rosaria, and Seria were helping her get ready. She couldn't help but remember when Rajak proposed to her, as a faint pink blush appeared on her cheeks.


Today she was on a date with her amazing boyfriend, Rajak. They were sitting on to of a hill, by the sea in Lukadona.

Rajak had cooked dishes and some white wine, for their picnic. "Rajak, you didn't have to do all this." Rasicrea told him. Rajak looked at he and smiled. "Nonsense, only the best for my princess." Rasicrea blushed, and looked away.

Rajak took out the food and poured their drinks. Handing her her drink and food, he smiled. When she took a bite, she smiled. "Rajak the food is amazing, thank you." "Thank you." He replied.

As they were eating, she noticed that he was sweating nervously, a little bit. "Are you ok?" She asked him concerned. "I-i'm fine." He replied. She couldn't help but worry.

"Rasicrea." He said as he got down on one knee and pulled out a small black box. "Rasicrea, I have loved you since we first met. When we were kids I remember that I promised that one say we would be together. These past few hundred years we've been together has been the best years of my life. Without you my life would be incomplete. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?"

Rasicrea was crying tears of love and nodded her head yes. "Yes." Rajak put the ring on her finger and stood up, smiling. She then pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Back to the Present

She stood up as they finished getting her ready. She looked in the mirror one last time, before walking out as the ceremony started.

Rajak was standing at the alter. As a request from the Lord, Rai was to perform the ceremony. When the piano started to play, the bridesmaids and grooms started to walk out. Rosaira was partnered with Karis, and Seira with Rael. Tao came out next as the flower boy, followed by Takio as the ring barrier. Soon after he finished, the Lord and the bride soon entered.

The Lord was trying to hide his tears as he gave his daughter to the young man. He then sat down beside Ragar.
When it was time for the rings, Rajak and Rasicrea took them. She put his ring on his finger as he put hers on finger.

"You may now kiss the bride." Rai said as he smiled a faint smile. Rajak put his hand on her face and kissed her. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

♡♡♡A/n: Please don't forget to vote and comment. If you have a request please comment below or message me.♡♡♡

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