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AN: In this short story the former Lord did not go into eternal sleep.

Halloween was just around the corner. And the Lord wanted to celebrate a holiday called "Halloween". He knew humans dressed up, gave out candy, threw parties, and etc. He called the family leaders, the Noblesse, and his servant to the throne room. "Lord." The family leaders said and bowed. "Raizel, I want to throw a party for a holiday humans call halloween. Since your house is big enough, I was thinking we could do it there." Lord said. "..."

Before anyone could say anything, the Lord finished explaining, that it would be fun, everyone will be required to dress up, it will be at Raizel's house, it will be good for Raizel, and for everyone to not be so stiff.

"This is a request I make as your Lord." He said. "Very well." Raizel said as he bowed, and walked out. Frankenstien followed his master out the door of the throne room. "This is going to be fun. Make sure your children come, and don't forget to dress up in costumes. They sell them, and you can make them. Everyone is required to go, dress up, and have fun. Halloween is in two days." Lord said cheerfully.

Halloween Day

Frankenstien prepared for the party. He cooked all the food, made candy, bought some too, made deserts, made his masters costume, and got everything on the Lord's list to do.

Guest started to arrive at six. Gechutel and his grandson Regis arrived. Not long after all the other guests arrived. They were all in costumes.

Gechutel dressed up as a pirate, Regis as a ninja, Rayga dressed as a prince, Rajak as superman, Rael as flash, Ludis as green lantern, Kei a Viking, Karis as cupid, Krasis as a soldier, Seira as a nurse, Rosaria as a steam punk girl, Lascrea as a Jasmine the Disney princess, Frankenstien as a firefighter, Rai as Aladen, Lord as a cowboy, Takio a mummy, M-21 as a vampire, and Tao as Frankenstien. Frankenstien was mad at Tao for dressing up as him and even going as far as to make a fake (toy) dark spear.

When everyone saw Tao's outfit, some started to sweat, while some were trying to hold back laughter. The laughter pissed Frankenstien off even more. His dark aura got bigger and darker around him. "Frankenstien." Raizel said. When he said that Frankenstien calmed down, and was going to talk to Tao later.

The party was fun. Everyone was enjoying themselves. Since it was a halloween party, the Lord put on some music and told everyone to hit the dance floor. Pop music was playing and everyone started to dance and have fun.

Frankenstien was happy that his master was having fun. He walked to the punch bowl and poored himself a cup. "Thank you for completing the list, Frankenstien. Raizel's outfit is perfect, I wanted him and Lascrea to have a pairing costume."Lord said. "No problem. Master seems to be enjoying the party." Frankenstien replied.

Lord walked over to change the music into one you slow dance with someone. "Everyone grab a partner!" He yelled. Raizel danced with Lascrea, as Karis danced with Rosaria. Rael was dancing with Seira.

While the family leaders danced with there husbands and wives, throughout the night.

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