Text 151

369 15 12

Hey guys,
So I was scrolling through tumblr last week and I gave me some pretty good idea's for this text. So enjoy!

ArcheryBoy : So I just walked into the kitchen and saw Clary standing on the counter.

VampRapheal : Why are you sharing this with the group ?

ArcheryBoy : because I am bored

VampRapheal : Why don't you just go do something.

Whipgirl : Yeah like Magnus

HighWarlockOfGlitter : For the record I am not a something I am a person.

Whipgirl : Sorry Magnus.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : you know I am not really mad right?

Whipgirl : Pfff what of course not.

VampRapheal : She didn't

Whipgirl : Rapheal shut your mouth.

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl : Alec I was getting Jace cereal because he is to lazy to get it himself.

ArcheryBoy : Your feet where on the counter. That is where people cook.

BookwormHodge : You know only Izzy cooks in this instituut,  mostly we all get take out.

ArcheryBoy : True though.

Whipgirl : Maybe that is the reason why you guys think my food taste bad

BookwormHodge  : Izzy believe me that is not the reason. The whole Lightwood family can't cook

ArcheryBoy : I can cook

HighWarlockOfGlitter : I am sorry to burst your bubble Alexander but your almost as bad as Izzy. Still love you😘

ArcheryBoy : Am i Really that bad?

HottieJace: No Izzy is the worst cook.

Whipgirl : Hodge shut up you don't get a say in this you traitor. And Jace

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl : Izzy you are swearing a lot. Do you need to talk about something ?

Whipgirl: actually yes.

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl : great I will come to your room after I bring Jace his food.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : So Alexander are you coming over so to can do something?😏😏😏

ArcheryBoy : Magnus please my family is in this chat.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : So Isabelle gets to say it but not me. Your own boyfriend.

ArcheryBoy : No that is not what I mean.

Nerdhot: I wish I could get into this vampire thing already.

HottieJace  : Simon we all know that 'thing' is Raphael and we all wish you would, too. Believe me

NerdHot : You're the only one here who ships us.

HottieJace : more people in here ship you guys but just won't open their mouth.

NerdHot : you're stupid

HottieJace : I am stupidly hot.

NerdHot : That is not actually a thing

HottieJace : it isn't?

NerdHot : No

HottieJace : then I am making it a thing.

Lydia : And that is why I ship Jimon.


VampRapheal :😂😂😂😂😂

ArcheryBoy : Magnus can you pick up the phone please.

HottieJace : oh Luke. Luke Luke Luke. I know you're screwing Maryse.


ComicMax : HOLY COW

DetectiveGarroway :.......Jace what makes you think that?

HottieJace : I heard you last night moaning in My mother's room.

Maryse : Jace he was never in my room.

HottieJace  : wait so you two aren't screwing?

DetectiveGarroway; NO!

Maryse: of course not.

HottieJace : Than who was in your room last night?

HighWarlockOfGlitter : ME AND ALEC

Maryse : Wait you two did it in my room?

ArcheryBoy : Oh Mags why did you say that.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : I know you feel bad about what you said earlier so I decide to speak up about all the things we have done so you don't have to keep it from your family.

HottieJace : I think I am leaving this conversation

DetectiveGarroway : Same here

BookwormHodge : this I the best entertainment I had in days.

DemonJonathan : me too.

ComicMax : Okay if he is here then I am leaving.

DemonJonathan : Are you still upset about me trying to kill you. Just get over it.

HottieJace : Sebastiaan or Jonathan just shut up.

ArcheryBoy : Magnus I don't want to share every detail of our sex life because I like to keep that for ourselves.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : Why couldn't you just say that earlier?

ArcheryBoy : You didn't pick up your phone remeber.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : Yeah that is on me. But are you mad that I told Catarina about it.

NurseCatarina : Please say yes so I don't have to listen to his sexual experiences.

ArcheryBoy: Well you already told her so I am not mad. But maybe don't tell her more than you already did.


ArcheryBoy : I am in trouble aren't I?

HighWarlockOfGlitter : Yes I am sorry. But if you come home I will make it up to you.

VampRaphael: And that is my cue to leave.

Hey guys,

Since the holiday is almost here I decide to update because I will be gone for 4 weeks. I will try to write more texts. So I wish you all a good holiday and don't forget #Saveshadowhunters

See you in a few weeks

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