Text 10 ships

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Clary: Magnus were is this about ?

Magnus: I would love to know your OTP , you can't choose a ship were your self in

Clary: okey....

Izzy: Malec 😀

Alec: do I have to do this ?

Magnus: yes Alexander

Clary: Sizzy 😆

Simon : Malec

Clary: see Sizzy for life ❤❤☝

Jace: I ship Simon and Raphael, so there ship name is Sapheal

Luke: Clace

Lydia: Luke and jocelyn

Magnus: Clace

Max: Malec 😁

Robert : Clace

Maryse: Jace and Izzy

Hodge: Clizzy

Izzy: Alec Only you need to tell us your OTP

Alec : fine Sizzy

Magnus: yes now I got al the informatio I wanted

Jace: for what did you need this ?

Magnus: a ship of

Rapheal: wait i want to tell my OTP

Magnus: say it then

Rapheal: Clace!!!!

Jace: did you guys notice that Clary and Alec agreed on something.

Alec: about what ?

Max: you both ship Sizzy

Clary : omg thats so awesome

Alec: I know right !

Jace: what Just happend ?

Malec: I have no idea, but i'm gonna go working on my ship off

Valetine: why did nobody asked about my OTP?

Maryse: because nobody likes you

Valetine: rude

Luke: but its true !

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