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HottieJace :Izzy admit it you're a bad cook.

Whipgirl : No I'm not

HottieJace : yes you are.

Whipgirl : no I ain't

HottieJace : Someone back me up.

ArcheryBoy : Sorry sis but Jace is right.

HottieJace : See!

Whipgirl : You only sided because Jace is your parabatai.

ArcheryBoy: That is not true, you just aren't a good cook.

Whipgirl : i'm an amazing cook.

HottieJace : No you're not

Whipgirl : yes I am.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : i'm sorry Isabelle but I must agree with the boys.

Whipgirl : You only agree with them because Alec is your boyfriend.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : That's true, I have never tasted your food.

Whipgirl : I will make you something

HottieJace : Magnus you're going to die.

ArcheryBoy : Magnus save yourself.  Please I can't live without you. Run as hard as you can.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : come on it can't be that bad.

Whipgirl : Portal to the instituut and then you can taste my soup.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : okey

ArcheryBoy  : Jace we have a new mission keep our sister from killing my boyfriend

KillerValetine : Is her food really deadly.😏

HottieJace : Shut up

HighWarlockOfGlitter : Too late I already ate it.

ArcheryBoy : noooooo, Magnus I love you don't you die.😭😭😭😭😭😭

HottieJace : We were too late😣

Whipgirl : don't be that dramatic he is still alive.

KillerValetine : awh man.

HighWarlockOfGlitter : yes i'm still alive but I think I become sick. Sorry Isabelle but it was really disgusting how can you ruin soup?

ArcheryBoy : Magnus you aren't dead.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 I will take you home and take care of you until you feel better. I am at the instituut in 5 minutes.

HottieJace : So you see Izzy, you can't cook.

Whipgirl : Just because you three don't like it. Doesn't mean I am a bad cook.

HottieJace : Yes it does.

NerdHot : hey guys. Did I miss something.

Whipgirl : Simon just in time. You don't think I am a bad cook don't you.

NerdHot : uhmmmm.  I need to go the Seelie queen wants to speak to me.

Maia_slays : Why? I haven't seen you at all in the Hiatus. We could hang out together.

NerdHot : I don't know why the Queen wants to see me but I will make it up to you I promise.

Maia_slays : Okay. It's fine as long as I see you soon.

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