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Whipgirl : yeahhhhh i'm so happy. F*ck you Sebastiaan/Jonathan my brother lived!!!!!!!!!

Maryse : i'm so glad everything the silent brothers did went well.

Silentbrother: little Maxwell is very though! You can see he is a Lightwood.

Maryse : Thank you so much expecially brother Enoch.

NerdHot : I still have one question for the silent brothers.

Silentbrother : you can ask your question young daylighter

NerdHot : Which silent brother used the phone?

Silentbrother : mostly brother Zacharias. But me brother Enoch uses it right now.

NerdHot : So no one has a own phone?

Silentbrother: no we just have one phone for all of us.

NerdHot : okay one more question

Silentbrother : I need to go now daylighter an other time perhaps.

NerdHot : okay yeah okay.

Whipgirl : Simon the silent brothers aren't some people that you can ask about phones some are really Old

Robert; Don't call them old. They don't like that Isabelle.

Lydia: the important thing is that Max is still alive.

HottieJace : agreed and now that we know who Jonathan is we can kill him.

BadassSebastiaan : Well the cat is out of the bag sooo.

BadassSebastiaan changed his username to DemonJonathan.


DemonJonathan: that innocent child is smarter than all his older siblings combined. I mean he found a hair in the box and tracked me with it.

Whipgirl : I agree that he is too smart for his own good but that doesn't change the fact that you almost killed a innocent child.

DemonJonathan : Well oops i'm sorry for nothing.

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl : and that is one of the reasons why I will kill you now except for trying to save you. You took Dot I don't even know if she is alive or not even after I told you that you could come with us so we could help you.

DemonJonathan : I needed the mirror so my dad can be proud of me.

KillerValetine : and now you lost the mirror again and blew your cover you idiot.

DemonJonathan : Otherwise I needed to kill my own sister father.

KillerValetine : That's true but we need the mirror.

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl : to bad I destroyed it with my rune powers.

KillerValetine : YOU DID WHAT

DemonJonathan : Is that even possible

HottieJace: apparently

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl : i'm so sorry oh wait i'm not.

Whipgirl : Clary can you pit Aline in the group?

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl : Sure. Give me her number private than I will put her in.

Whipgirl : 👍

Camille : Great more shadowhunters

BookwormHodge : oh shut up I hear you here in my cell every day can you just shut up in the group.

Camille : I can but I don't want to

HighWarlockOfGlitter : she always was this childish don't pay attention to her

ILoveDot : i'm doing it all my life . It works

Camille: I hate warlocks

ILoveDot : yeah well we hate you too so we agree over something.

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl added Aline

Aline changed her username to it'syourgirlAline


HottieJace : woow straight to the point

It'syourgirlAline : I DEMAND AN ANSWER

DemonJonathan : well I first captured him for information about him and his family and when he escaped I killed him.


Whipgirl : I help

HottieJace : Alec and I will hold him down.

ArcheryBoy : oh we will be more than that but I need to be alone now

HottieJace : Alec what is wrong?

ArcheryBoy;: Nothing

HottieJace : I feel that something is bothering you

ArcheryBoy : Jace i'm good

HottieJace : don't be stubborn I will come to you office there we will talk.

ArcheryBoy : Fine....

It'syourgirlAline: i'm plotting murder plans in my head right now.

ILoveDot : that is my daily activity planning how to murder Valetine now I can add Jonathan or Sebastiaan or what is name is to the list.

SeelieQueen : Magnus Have you made a desiscion yet?

HighWarlockOfGlitter : I have

SeelieQueen : You better have the rose has turned black.

Maia_slays : Clary I hope you aren't mad at me but i'm dating your best friend

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl : Omg that is  so great news i'm so happy for you guys.

NerdHot : Thank you Clary that means a lot for me.

MyNameIsNotLittleGirl : You deserve to be happy

NerdHot : You too

DetectiveGarroway : euhm if one of you could tell the clave that I solved the problem of wolves turning Mundane that woud be great all the New wolves are now in my pack so I have it under control

Robert: I will tell the clave. Thank you Lucian.

DetectiveGarroway : Ofcourse you guys need to be there for Max.

Maryse: Thank.you Lucian

NerdHot : Before I go I need to say one more thing

Maia_slays : What?

NerdHot : MALEC SEX !

Hey guys,

Well I'm going to vacation again but this time with my mother. My parents are divorced so that explains the two times vacation so i won't be able to update again until 22 august. I'm so sorry. But I hope to see you  all when i'm back. So I love you all but I have struggels because I won't be able to see the last two epsodes until I'm home but I hope you all enjoy it.


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