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Izzy : Clary do you want to have a sleep over ?

Clary : sure.

Izzy : I will grab my make up and clothes

Clary : oh God help me

Alec : it was nice knowing you

Izzy : Alec!!!!!!

Alec : oke sorry. good luck Clary

Clary : can I paint your nails Izzy ?

Izzy : yes please

Magnus : can I come?

Izzy : yes .

Magnus : awesome i'll be there in a minute

Clary : Can I also paint your nails Magnus?

Magnus : yes do you have Black?

Clary : afcourse

Alec : so you're coming over to paint nails with my sister en Clary.  But you don't think of me.

Magnus : this is only distraction for your parents. I will see you tonight

Alec : okey.  Girls don't kill Magnus with you make over.

Izzy : we would never

Clary :

Jocelyn : well clary painted her whole body one time with lipgloss an eyeshadow

Clary : mum!!!!!! I was 6

Jocelyn : sorry sweetie

Clary : please go

Jocelyn : okey

Simon : Clary I taught that we're hanging out tonight ?

Clary : no that Is tommorrow

Simon : okey.  I will go to Rapheal than.

Izzy : you know that hè wants you dead

Rapheal : 😈

Simon : Rapheal can I come over?

Rapheal : sure

Simon : but don't kill me

Rapheal : okey I will give you one change.

Simon : great i'm coming over

Jace : I want this stupid hiatus to end so that I can eat at Java Jones and Taki's

Alec : only food . I feel offended

Jace : you didn't Let me finished. I was going to say with my family and friends .

Simon : did you just say  that I Am your friend.

Jace : euhm.......... no

Simon : I don't believe you 😏

Jace : bye !!!!!!!

Izzy : okey I got your outfit ready

Magnus : I will do her hair and your hair.  Izzy you need to pick outfit s and you're also doing my hair.  And Clary will do our nails

Clary : fine with me

Izzy : I actually like to do this with you guys

Magnus : afcourse i'm awesome

Clary : yes you are

Simon : so I guess everthing is good Girls and Magnus.

Magnus : yes how is it by Rapheal

Simon : we're watching Modern Family

Izzy : Clary we need to watch that also after the make over. Magnus can go to Alec than

Clary : sure I love Modern Family

Rapheal : simon come the episode is beginning

Jace : do it save guys

Simon : 😠😠😠😠

Jace : your welcome 😊

Sorry that the text is short.  I didn't had much time but I still hope you guys enjoyed it


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