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Max: guys i just watched Frozen

Jace :??????

Clary : I love that Disney movie it is one off my favorites .

Izzy : what are your other favorite Disney movies?

Clary : the little mermaid, Mulan and Tangled

Max : I have never seen Mulan I will go watch it now.

Clary : you should it is amezing

Izzy :  I never really watched Disney movies.

Clary : why not ?

Izzy :  We were always training

Clary : okey guys it is time for a Disney movie marathon! !!!!!!!!

Jace :  so I guess that Frozen is a Disney movie

Clary : yep

Izzy : Alec, Magnus, Simon en Rapheal do you guys join us?

Magnus : yes but I have seen all the movies and it is still fun to watch at my age.

Alec : sure why not

Simon : only is we also watch Finding Nemo

Clary : sure

Rapheal : is Jace going to be there ?

Izzy : what do you think?

Rapheal : uh I don't know

Jace : I will be there on Skype

Rapheal : okey than I will come

Jace :  I feel hurt.  You would only come if i wasn't there in person.

Rapheal : no Simon convinced me

Jace : omg the Sapheal feeeeeeeels are real 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 

Simon : no they're not

Jace : yes they're

Rapheal : no they're not

Jace : yes they're

Simon : no they're not

Rapheal : they're not

Jace : yes they're

Raphael: yes they're

Jace : yes you atmitted it

Rapheal : I hoped that that truc would work

Izzy :  😂😂😂😂😂

Jace : 😍😍 Sapheal 😍😍

Simon :  you know what ship who ever you want but I don't date Rapheal  !!!!!!! Understand? ?????

Jace :  Sapheal 🎉

Alec :  who know that Jace could be such a fan girl.

Izzy :  😂😂😂

Clary : 😂  😂 😂

Magnus : 😂 😂 😂

Simon :  so wich Disney movies are we gonna watch tonight ?

Clary : We will start with the little mermaid.  Then Finding Nemo then Mulan and as last jungle book because I haven't seen that movie in awhile .

Alec : sound good to me

Magnus : everybody need to bring some food and drinks.

Izzy : I will bake something

Alec : Noooooo just take a bag of chips.

Izzy : fine

Clary :  okey I will bake some cake.

Izzy : why can Clary bake something but I don't?

Jace : because you can't Cook or bake.  Sorry Izzy I love you but you will just ruin the kitchen.

Magnus : I know now what I can give to Izzy fot her birthday or for christmas

Alec : but that was my idea

Magnus : we can say that it is from the both of us.

Alec : I can live with that

Clary : guys hurry up I want to watch Disney

Jace : well turn Skype on then

Clary : oops sorry

Rapheal : i'm here with bloody marry's and Cherry candy

Simon : yessssss Bloody marry's

Jace : awhh you taught at your boyfriend

Rapheal :  first of all hè is NOT my boyfriend and second of all i'm also a vampire and we drink blood.

Jace : you win this round

Rapheal : well I always win

Izzy : don't be so sure I bet that Clary and I can take you on. 💪💪💪

Rapheal : I would love to see you guys trying.

Clary : okey  it is on pretty boy 😈 but not today because I want to watch movies

Hodge : I also want to watch Disney

Jace : go watch it in your Cell

Hodge : there Is no tv here

Jace : well that sucks

Magnus : everybody quiet because the movie is going to start.

Hodge : that doesn't mean that we can't talk in this group

Meliorn : exactly but i'm off Because This Is Boring

Jace : afcourse it is boring i'm not talking


Hodge : fine you don't need to yell

Alec : Just be quiet !

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