Chapter 9

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Carl's Point of View

"How dare you to do that to my friend! You're an asshole!" I said punching him on the face.

"Who the hell are you, man?!" Tyron said.

"Me?! Who the hell am I?! I am Anisa's one and only best friend! Why did you do this to her? Why did you ditched her?! You hurt her feelings!" I said and kept punching him everywhere while the girl asked someone to stop the fight.

He managed to get out of my grip and he punched my right on the face.

"I don't know that girl! And the girl I was kissing is my girlfriend! What are you talking about, dude?!" He yelled then punched me on the stomach.

"Liar!" I yelled and punched him until some of the students tries to stop the fight.

Luke saw me then he quickly grab my hands and grip them tightly.

"You're an asshole! You deserve to die! You're hurting Anisa!" I yelled.

"I don't know that Anisa! I already have a girlfriend. You bipolar!" When I heard the word 'bipolar' I managed to get out of Luke's grip and tackled Tyron on the ground and punched him.

"Carl! Stop!" Luke gave all if his strenth to stop me eventually I stopped.


After our parents were called at school we went home with Claire and Luke. Clarisse saw me and cried.

"Clarisse go upstairs with Claire, okay?" My Mom said.

Clarisse and Claire went upstairs then my mom looks at me.

"What's wrong with you Carl?! We raised you with respect but why are you acting like that?! You're acting strange!" My Mom yelled.

"It's because that Tyron ditched Anisa!" I answered her with an angry tone.

"Tyron?! His name is Joseph! What's happening with you?" I look at Luke confused.

"He is Tyron! He cheated on Anisa!" I yelled and stood up.

"Tyron died last year ago because of cancer Carl! That guy was Joseph and not Tyron!"

"What in the world are you saying Luke?! He's Tyron!" I yelled.

Luke opened his phone and I saw Joseph's face. And he showed me Tyron's funeral.

"Wait, aren't you allowed to take a picture of his funeral, are you?" I asked.

"That's not important Carl. He's dead. End of the story." He answered.

LWhat? How? When? Why?" Is all I could ask..

"He's dead Carl! He died because of his illness." Luke said to me.

"Anisa! I have to talk to Anisa!" I said ready to go out of the house but my Dad stopped me.

"What now?!" I yelled.

"Anisa is dead! Last week! You didn't even went to her funeral!" My eyes widened then I remembered the letter Anisa wrote.

I went to my room and searched for it and when I found it I gave it to my Dad.

"Read that! She wrote that to me 2 days ago! Don't prank me!" I said.

My Dad shook his head and let me read the paper again.

Dear Carl,

Hi Carl, this is Mrs. Williams. Anisa's mother. We want to thank you for being a nice friend to her. I'm sure you'll miss her but the only way to move on is to forget her. If you miss her just think about the memories both of you had. Anisa passed away last week because of car crash. She was with a guy named Zach. They went on a date. Their car was hit by a truck and both of them didn't survive. It's okay if you didn't came to her funeral. I know it hurts for you but let's move on. Anisa will always be in our heart.

Mrs. Williams

"No! No! I read this yesterday and the letter was from Anisa! Not from her Mom!" I said.

"Dad! Mom! Luke! Believe me! Anisa wrote a letter for me!" I said.

"Calm down... just calm down." My Mom said trying to calm me down.

"No Mom! She's not dead yet! I have to talk to her! Mom!" I yelled.

"No! She passed away! Carl!" My Mom said.

"Why is this happening to me?!" I yelled.

"Because you're bipolar Carl! You're bipolar!" My Dad said to me without any hesitation.

"You and Anisa got into a disagreement last 2 weeks ago because of that guy named Zach! She said he is her boyfriend then you got mad to both of them. You told your feelings to Anisa but you're too late she already fell in love with someone. And that was Zach not you Carl! Not you." Luke explained.

"And last week you didn't talk to her until she went on a date with Zach then on their way home Zach's car got hit by a truck, no one survived. Anisa and Zach's parents were called by the police men and they called an ambulance to take them to the hospital. They didn't survive because the blood had already explode on Anisa's head and Zach's heart stopped functioning. Anisa's funeral was on friday and Zach's funeral was on wednesday." Luke added.

"The one that you're saying Tyron! He's dead because of his illness. He doesn't know Anisa because Anisa just transferred to our school 4 months ago and Tyron died last year ago! Joseph, the guy you got into a fight is a basketball player and has a girlfriend named Fionna. Joseph doesn't know you Carl because Joseph is very famous in our school! Go to Anisa's old house! They aren't there anymore! Anisa's mom and dad went to the France to start a new life!"

"That house across this house is empty! Carl, Believe me! Anisa's died! She's gone! She wants to tell her feelings to you but you always ignore her because you thought her and Zach were dating until it came true. They dated then both died!" Luke finished explaining everything to me and my tears fell down on my cheeks.

I sat down on the couch. My mind is blank. I don't know what to do.

I opened the door and look at Anisa's old house. It's empty. It's very dark outside. The wind makes me shiver.

"Why...? Why didn't I went to the hospital and told her my feelings. Why didn't I went on her funeral to see her beautiful face for the last time?" I asked myself.

"Carl, you are bipolar. If you weren't bipolar then Anisa is still alive and with you. If you talked to her and fixed you and her problem then you're probably here with her happy. Everything you did were wrong. You're bipolar Carl!" Luke said then I cried.

"How did you know I am bipolar?" I asked Luke.

"Carl, you're my best friend. Your parents also told me about it." Luke said.

I'm weak
I'm bipolar
I'm stupid
I'm idiot
I'm a loser
I'm a nobody
I'm crazy
I'm lost

All I could think is the happy moments we shared for the past 3 months.

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