Chapter 3

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Carl's Point of View

As I entered my school I always do my what I have to do. I walked inside the tall building and webt to the office to get the schedule for my classes.

I closed the door and then bumped into someone. I helped her to stand up and pick up her books and that's the time I realized it was Anisa.

"Hi... Carl!" She said while fixing her eyeglass.

"Hello, I didn't knew you wear eyeglass." I said looking at her, admiring her beauty.

"Nah, I just wore this today." She said to me.

"What's your first class?" I asked.

She handed me her class schedule and saw that she has Science is her first class. I look at my schedule and saw that I also have Science.

"Hi classmate!" She said as she playfully punched my arms.

The bell finally rings signaling for us to go to our classes. We started looking for our Science class and saw the biology room.

"First grading is biology, second grading is physics. Thirs grading is earth science and fourth grading will be chemistry, nice!" I heard Anisa said while looking at her schedule.

We sat down together at the back and wait for our teacher to come.

"So, Anisa... how old are you?" I ask while looking at her.

"I recently turned 17 last month and my true name is Anisa Valentina M. Williams." She explained.

"What's your middle name?"

"Morgan..." She said while tapping something on her phone.

"Your name is so long." I said and we both laugh when she realize it was.

Yeah, my Dad said Anisa will be great and my mom said Valentina is very unique so they ended up putting them together so I am Anisa Valentina but you can call me Nisa or Anisa for short." I slowly nod my head then the teacher came in.

She looks very strict so we have to be nice and kind to this cool teacher of ours.

"Good morning students. I am Ms. Rebecca Grim. Your teacher in biology, first grading. First of all I don't like late comers. Second, always study and pass your exams. Third, I want you to listen to me whenever I'm teaching in front of you. Last... I want this room to be clean all the time." She said to strictly to us. Scanning the class while talking.

"No cheating too!" She said as she slammed the books on the table.

"She's scary..." Anisa whispered to me.

"Spooky..." We laugh at each other.

I agree with Anisa. Ms. Grim is kinda strict. Whenever she hears someone talking to each other she will punish them like those two outside.

I know those guys. They are the bullies. Brent and Josh are the best of friends and they always judge people and bully them including me. Don't let them come closer to you because they will hurt you and will make you cry too.

As you can see... I was a nerd at this school when I was in 7th and 8th grade. So, They always bully but that was a long time ago.

"Hello?" Anisa waved her hand in front of my face and I completely lent my attention to her.

"Yes?" I asked innocently.

"Aren't we going to our next class? The bell already rang." Anisa asked with her arms crossed while raising her eyebrows.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I was busy thinking of something." I grab my backpack and went to our second class which is English.

Didn't know that daydreaming will make my time run very fast. Man, time flies so fast.

"Do you know those guys?" Anisa asked. I stayed silent for a minute then nod my head.

"They're both bullies." Anisa raised an eyebrow at me like 'what do you mean?'

She probably don't know that I was a nerd. Well, yeah, she doesn't know.

"You see..." I started.

"I was a nerd. Those guys bully me all the time. Josh and Brent are the best of friends. They are so bully. I don't know why I am their favorite target but I'm thankful now that they completely forgot about me and stopped hurting me." I explained.

"So? What's with that?" She ask. I look at her and sigh.

"Just don't come closer to them." I said and she nodded.

"I'm bisexual..." She said.

"So?" I asked then she punched my arms playfully.

"I like girls when I was like in my age 13 and 14 but now I think not anymore. I think boys are more attracted than girls plus nerd." She said while wiggling her eyebrows.

What does that even mean?

"Okay..." I replied. There's no more words came out from my mouth that I can say so that's all I can say to her.


Me and Anisa went home together since we're neighbours. Before me and Clarisse go to our house I let Anisa went inside her house first and I closed the door then saw my Mom and Dad.

"Mommy! Daddy! You're home!" Clarisse said as she both hugged them tightly.

"Oh, baby..." My Mom kissed Clarisse's head and smiles at me.

I smiled back and went to my room. I changed my clothes and heard my Dad said something.

"Have you ate lunch Carl?" My dad asks.

Thanks they still remember me. They always remember Clarisse and always Clarisse because she is there favorite child.

"Yes..." I replied and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Clarisse told me we have a new neighbour?" I nod my head. I decided to go to the bathroom and clean myself

"Have you met them?" He asks.

"Yes, they are all nice and very friendly too. I like their attitude. I hope you'll meet them too." I said and washed my face.

"Why don't you eat again? Me and your Mom bought some foods for you and Clarisse." My Dad said.

"Oh! Cool!" I said and went downstairs.


While I'm writing the happenings today in my daily diary. I was smiling. I don't know why but when I wrote Anisa's name on it, my smile turned into a grin.

I still can't believe she was attracted to girls when she was 13 but look at her now. So innocent and very cute. I can't believe I met a lady like her. So childish, girlish and talks a little boyish but cute at the same time. Is it possible for me to fall in love with her?

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