Chapter 4

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Anisa's Point of View

2 months had passed and me and Carl were pretty close. Sometimes I go to his house to do our assigments and projects and sometimes he's the one that comes to my house with ice creams.

He's pretty cool and smart at the same time. He's a certified nerd for me. The only missing thing is an eyeglass like mines.

I wear glasses because I'd sometimes see the world blurred. I don't know what happened to me but it just happened and it's too late to change the past.

Today is Saturday so I'll just be home this time. I was so stressed yesterday. Projects, assignments, tests, ugh! So much stress!

I also met Carl's little sister Clarisse. She's so cute, pretty and also adorable. I wish to have a little sister too but my Mom and Dad can't have a baby anymore. So, my life is super boring.

I asked them to adopt either girl or boy just below 5 so that I'll be taking care of him or her but my Mom told me that it will be hard to take care a child. My dad wants to adopt too but my mom said no. You know my mom... always follow her rules or you'll get punished.

I heard a knock on the door and I stand up straight and opened the door.

"Yes, Mom?" I ask.

"Carl is downstairs waiting for you." My Mom whispered to me. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean? Why is he here? I didn't let him come here?" I ask. Standing up and slowly walking.

"Just go downstairs and talk to him." I nod my head and went downstairs.

I opened the door again revealing a tall charming guy.

"Hi!... Carl!" I gulped and he gave me a smile.

"Ice cream?" He asked while holding two ice creams. One is chocolate and the other one is vanilla.

I clapped my eyes and smile. Pure joyfulness.


"Bring your sister sometimes. I want to talk to her more." I said to Carl while we are watching a comedy movie plus eating ice cream.

"Actually, Mom, Dad and Clarisse went out of town this time until tomorrow." He replied to me.

"Why didn't you come with them?" I asked curiously.

"Because I wanted to spend my time..." He said and murmured the 2 last word.

"What? I can't hear you."

He looks directly at my eyes and I can feel myself blushing. It's so hot in here!

"Because I wanted to spend my time with..."

OMG! Is he going to say my name?!


"I wanted to spend my time with myself and of course my friends here including you. After I go here I'll go to my best friend's house." I nodded and smile but deep inside I am very disappointed.

Why do I feel like this? Do I like him? No! This is not what it looks like! No! I said to myself that I'm not going to fall inlove again! Anisa! Wake up! Go back to reality! You're such a stupid, idiot girl! No! Carl what are you doing to me?

"Anisa, are you okay?" Carl ask. Looking at me with a concern look.

I quickly looked at him and quickly nod my head like nothing happened in my mind.

I heard Carl's phone ringing so he excused himself and went outside my room.

What's with Carl? He's making me feel and think confused. What will I do now?

This is not love Anisa! You're not going to be inlove again! You promised to yourself that you'll never fall inlove again and now what's wrong with you?!

I heard the door opened then I quickly acted normal. Carl sat down beside me and put his phone inside his pocket and looks at me.

"It's time for me to go. My friend asked me to go at his house so I'll see you on Monday?" He asks more like he said.

"W-what? M-monday? How about tomorrow? Can't you stay for 1 more hour?" I asked.

This time it's true. I'm not acting nice to him. I am completely real and I like him to stay here.

"Please..." I gave him a puppy dog eyes and smile.

He looks at the clock andd scratch his head.

"I don't know Anisa. He really wanted me to be there. I can't say no, I'm sorry." Before he open the door I grab his arm and hug it.

"Stay for a minute!" I whined like a little girl asking for her Mother to not go anywhere.

"Anisa! I have to go." He said trying to open the door. I used all my strength to not let him go and he totally gave up.

I always win so he's gonna stay.

"Fine, 30 minutes..." He said as he sat down again and opened his phone to call his friend.

I smile and crossed my arms. He's my friend too and he needs to spend his time with me too so back off if he's with me or else you'll receive a punch.

After spending his 30 minutes with me we finally said our goodbyes and he told me that he'll visit me again tomorrow so more ice creams to eat.

"Is Carl nice to you?" My Dad asks.

Before I go upstairs I walked towards my Dad and look at him while he's reading a newspaper.

"Of course, he's very kind and generous to me. I mean, he always bring foods and we always watch movies, sharing everything that happened to our lives and we have a lot of opposite too." I explained to my Dad. I saw him smiling while nodding his head.

"That's great Anisa. I see you're his best friend." I giggle and nod my head.

"Yes, Dad."

"He'll visit you again tomorrow?" He asked.

"Um... yes. I asked him to buy me vanilla ice cream too." My dad just laugh and shook his head slowly.

"He said yes to you?" My Dad asks.


"Okay, I'll let you go now." I quickly went upstairs and locked the door.

I look by the window where Carl's house is located and smile while looking at his room. He wasn't there but when I look at his room I always see him there writing his diary there and he doesn't notice me that I was watching him all the time.

Maybe I'm inlove...

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