Chapter 5

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Carl's Point of View

"Have you heard about the prom?" My best friend Luke asked.

"Prom? What prom?"

"The prom, dancing, singing, spending your time with your friends. So I already asked Bianca to be my prom date. How about you? Who is your date for the prom?" Luke asks.

I thought Anisa for a second then sighs. I don't even know if she'll say yes to me.

"I haven't asked anyone yet." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh! I know... why don't you ask the girl named..." Luke looked everywhere then smirked.

"Anisa?" He finally said. I glared at him because of annoyance and shook my head.

"She won't say yes Luke! Are you crazy?!" I whispered.

"Come on, just give it a try. Nothing will happen if she said no or yes, right?" I sigh and then I saw Anisa walking with a guy.

My eyes widened and then Luke went to see where I was looking and he's eyes also widened.

"No way, man!" Luke patted my back and I face palmed myself.

"Condolence..." Luke said teasingly.

"Condolence? What are you talking about? Are you crazy Luke?!" I yelled making Anisa and the guy look at us.

Anisa just smile and didn't even waved at us and left.

Why do I feel like this? I don't feel this feeling to anyone yet just to Anisa. What is this feeling? Someone help me to get rid of this stupid feelings I am having.

"Sorry, bro... I didn't know she has a boyfriend. I thought she was single." Luke said and patted my back.

"Anisa doesn't have a boyfriend. She probably just met a new friend." Luke just laugh at my reactions and I glared at him.

"Stop laughing, idiot!" Luke stopped and smile while shaking his head.

"You're really inlove Carl. Admit it, you have feelings for her." Luke said to me. I gulped and looked down, don't want to feeling this awkward situation.

The bell rings signaling for us to go to our classes.


Was Luke telling the truth? I don't know why I felt something pain in my chest when I saw Anisa with a guy I don't even know. Were they dating? Why do I care? Because you like her Carl. No! No! I don't like her, she's just my friend. You're lying to yourself Carl. Oh no! This is mind vs me now.

What should I follow? My brain or heart? Just follow both Carl. Both? Why both? Because if you're thinking of her then your heart says you like her. No! This is wrong! Why do I feel like this? Why am I talking to myself? To get rid of your problem Carl. What in the world is happening to me?! Just tell her the truth that you're falling inlove with her.

I slapped myself making Anisa look at me in a weird and awkward way.

"Carl? Are you okay?" Anisa asks.

"Me? Of course I am okay..." I said and laugh awkwardly.

Tell her the truth...
Tell her the truth...
Tell her the truth...

What truth?

That you're inlove with her, it's obvious you like her so tell the truth or you'll cry in the end...

The bell rings and I quickly grab my bag and went to my next class.

First time to fall inlove...


Before I go home, my friend Luke told me to ask Anisa to be my prom date. I don't know if I'll be able to ask her out because I am too shy and nervous to say it to her.

"Go on Carl! What happened to the brave Carl I know?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Brave? When did I started being brave?" I asked him confused.

"Just ask her now!" Luke said and we saw Anisa walking with the guy again ealier.

"Wait!" Me and Luke hid under the tree and spy at the two.

"What in the world are we doing Carl?" Luke said as he scratched his head in annoyance.

When they are finally done talking to each other the guy left Anisa. I noticed that Anisa has a smile on her face while walking alone.

That's the time I went to her and when she saw me she waved at me and smile. Luke was spyig on us but I don't care his my best friend after all.

"Hey..." I said and smile.

"How are you?" She asks.

"I-I'm fine..."


"I wanted to ask you something." I said and feel so nervous at this point.

"What is it?" Anisa asked.

What will I say to her? Tell her the truth. No! This is not the time to tell her the truth! Talk to her or you'll lose her. I sigh and smile nervously at her.

"Yes...?" She asks while smiling.

"W-will you be my prom date?"

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