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Narrattor's POV:

Feelings. Sometimes it is to hard to understand them correctly. It is hard to understand our own feelings, let alone trying to understand what others feel.  

For example when you wake up in the morning and don't remember details from last night and go downstairs for a breakfast. Seeing your friends seated in the table with a letter in front of them, can mean many things. 

But Max knew better than hope for a good news. Life has thought him to think about the worst in every situation. Also, people don't sit around the table when they get good news.  

He slowly approached them to afraid to say anything because he may not say the right thing. Mason saw Max and understood him without any words. This was the thing with Mason- he was really good at understanding people. But he was really bad at showing it. 

He moved the free chair besides him for Max to sit. There was another free seat net Ace but everyone knew that It was Chance's place. She always sat there when they were planning something or in general talking. From that seat everyone could be seen clearly.  

Max didn't move any further and sat near the Mason. Max directed his confused look to Ace but he was too distracted to notice it.  He was like a boy who just witnessed murder. His face was pale  and he was struggling to keep a straight face. 

Even though he managed to look somehow calm on the outside inside he was falling. Falling fast and hard.

Everything he managed to built in his mind was falling to pieces. The reality that he has planned in his mind his plans for future- all of them were collapsing. 

As if sensing that Ace might need it, Jason put his hand over his shoulder and hugged him. Ace put his head on Jason's shoulder and closed his eyes. Because eyes are doors to the soul. And he was afraid that his friends would see that he hadn't got one. not anymore.

Jason was on the other hand, was trying to keep his eyes open to remember everything that have happened on those few days.  He was looking for details that he missed. Details that could have prevented it. When he finally noticed Max and his now panicked face he just pointed to the single sheet of paper on the table. "Just, read it" he spoke quietly.

Max moved paper closer to him and took few deeps breath to calm himself down. He then looked over at letter it was crushed and its sides were scratched. But words on it wasn't damaged.

He looked at everyone one last time and read the letter.

 To  people who have become my family in the shortest time possible. To the people whom I love with my whole heart .

First of all I want you all to know that I wouldn't have done it if I had any other choice . While reading this letter and maybe even after it you might feel like there were many other possibilities but really there weren't much left to do. 

You have every right to think bad about me to call me coward even a betrayer  or selfish for this move but don't you all blame yourself for it. And now to the subject of this letter. 

The day that I went to the police station I saw Felix on my way out. We had a coffee  and he had an offer or more of a threat. If I was to help him he would leave all of you alone. But if  didn't go with him and help him with his plan he would have killed all  of you and I would join him anyways.

At first I didn't believe him. But he had photos live videos of all of you in that moment. Every single one of them had at least 2 shooters in them.

You just have to understand that I couldn't carry the guilt of it if something happened.My heart is to small for that kind of guilt.

 For the first time in my life I was really afraid to lose someone.  So I decided to lose myself instead.

I put up the bomb in my old house where I have my old guns and equipment. By the time you are reading this there should be news about the house that blew up  in the middle of the night which has bodies of 2 deadliest gangleaders in the world. 

I am so sorry that it had to end this way. But only way to defeat the Felix was through defeating myself.  

Ace, baby, love of my life, words can't express how sad  and heartbroken I am that I can't let you know about it. It eats me from the inside to keep this as a secret from you. 

But I know you and your heroic nature. If I told you, you wouldn't allow me to do it. So if  for your safety I have to give up mine. I am all in for it. 

Just please forgive me for my actions and know that I value you more than I value myself. You will do fine without me I sure of it. Yeah, for a while it will be hard, but I am sure that it will be better after  a while and it will keep getting better through the time.

Pain of losing someone won't last forever. I am not saying that it will be exactly as it was before because it won't. But it doesn't change the fact that you should move forward. Cause it is what it is. 

So, please don't spend your  days thinking what you would have done to prevent it from happening. Think about what you can do fro your future and fort he future of our gang. 

Promise me to look out for each other no matter what.

With love. Chance. 


                    The  End

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