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Ace's POV:

The box as usual contained the photo with the 'I know' written in the back of it. It was the photo of car crash. My family's car crash.

"Fuck" Max said as he looked at the photo and the note. "So,all of our problems are connected with Felix." Mason said as he looked at the blank screen of TV.

"How in the hell did he found out all of this?" Jason says and while moving his hand through his hair. Blair squeezed his hand and looked at me.

"Didn't you track the call?" She asked. Max stood up and checked our devices. "Nope, not a sign of him. He wasn't joking when he said that we won't be able to track the call. It is like he went invisible." Max got frustrated and turned them all off.

I put my head between my hands and sighed. I need time to take it all in. When I lifted my head I saw Chance, staring to nowhere in particular.

She was deep in her thoughts. God, she must feel awful now. I mean we all got affected by Felix and his actions. But Chance was his main target.

And Felix hit it right in the middle.

I sat closer to Chance and it made her snap out of her thoughts. "You know, I could have understood it. I had a lot of possibilities to kill him. To end it before even it started." Chance said and sighed.

"Don't only blame yourself. We were there too. We all could have understood it sooner. We all have a part of the blame." I said and put my hand on her back.

"You all weren't the ones who got played once again. He used me as a pawn to reach his goal. And I fucking allowed it to happen. After all of this times I should have been more careful. But no fucking luck." Chance said and got up from her place.

I shot her a questioning look. "I will be out for a smoke. " She said walked out of the house.

"Felix is pretty psychopathic I must add." Jason said and looked at me.

"I mean he goes from hidding his identity and plans to revealing everything at once. " He said eith bitter chuckle at the end.

"It looks like he planned it all long time ago." I said. "He did a pretty good research on all of you too." Blair added.

"In the first box Felix had the knife with which Chance killed Blaine and Blaine's necklace. It even had a small drops of blood in it." I remembered.

"Then this means that he was  there when we attacked." Max said.

"Or he could have gotten in after Chance went out. He took what he needed and then went out again." Mason added.

Mason's version was more realistical. Because if he were there we would have killed him and even burned his body. But he is alive.

"He could have gotten in when you were collecting bodies. We all were dressed same so he may have gone unnoticed by most of us." I added making Mason' theory sound more realistic.

"I more interested in his plan than how he got information about us " We heard Chance say and turned to look at her. She was standing outside but window was open so she could easily hear what we said.  Chance blew out the cloud od smoke and looked at us 

"Right,the big plan. What can it actually be?  If he is not attacking directly then what is he doing?" Jason said and put his head to the couch.

 "Ugh, I need a break. I can't think straight right now. With all of things that we learned in less than an hour we all deserve a break. " Max said breaking the silence.

Chance nodded in agreement. "Plus, I am starving. I need food and I don't want to think about Felix and his shitty plans right now. We need a break from all of this."  She wet to threw her ciggarete to the nearest bin and we all went outside to join her.

Chance's  POV:

We went to the nearesr fast food place and ordered bunch of things. But no matter what I ate I felt  after taste of smoke.

Smoking and drinking is the way I deal with every problem that I have had throughout my life.

I solve my problems while I am drunk or smoking.

They help to clear my mind from all of the other thoughts and I relax under their control. And when I sober up I get the idea of what I should do next.

Max choking on food brought me back to reality and I pat his back. Max nodded to me as to say thank you then continued to eat food like a hungry animal.

"Max, if you choke for the 2nd time I won't help you." I warned him and he slowed down his speed of eating food.

After finishing my food I went to bathroom to wash my hands. I was eating like a hungry animal too.

I felt nauseous and put my hands to the sides of the sink to support my weight.

I took few deep breathes and suddenly felt the urge to vomit. I lowered my head to sink and emptied the contents of my stomach (again).

I should make and appointment to doctor. It is getting out of hand. I didn't even drink any alcohol so why am I throwing up?

I mentally noted for myself to go doctoe tomorrow and turned off the water.

"Hey you coming?" Blair peeped inside. I smiled and nodded. "So what's we doing next?" I asked everyone as we went to our cars.

"Lets go to the park. I think if I don't do any kind of exercise I might die." Jason said as he pointed at his belly.

I chuckled and got into my car. "I will go to my house first. So I will join you there." I informed everyone and drove off.

I should make and appointment to doctor. It is getting out of hand. I didn't even drink any alcohol so why am I throwing up?

At home I changed my outfit because it was getting cold out there and took few ciggaretes from my drawer.

Distance from my house to park wasn't that long so I went there by foot.

When I arrived guys were already walking down the park. I joined them and all of us walked through the park while remembering stupid things that we did or the lame jokes that we told.

It was one of the moment that I wanted to write in my memory with golden pen. It was one of those moments that when I will look back I will call it a memorable day.

I am living for this kind of days. Because, no matter in what state of mind you are in right now. It will change it is not permanent. Everything and everyone is changing.

And then you will have this kind of days when you don't want sun to go down because it will mean that day is ending.

You don't want anyone to move or say something because you are afraid that they will ruin this moment.

Soon enough sun went down and everyone went home. Ace offered me a ride but I refused it wanting to enjoy the end of this day while walking back  to home.

Even though the start of the day was anything but good, the end of the day was perfect.

We all layed in the grass surronded with the people we love and watched how sun went down giving its place to moon.

With this thoughts on my mind I unlocked the door and walked inside.

That night I went to bed without any drink or ciggarete because I didn't feel the need to fake my happiness. 

I am sorry for the late update. I am really happy with this book. We are currently in #35 in Action. Thank you all for your positive feedbacks and votes.


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