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Chance's POV:

"Come in," I said to the person on the other side of the door. Ace and I were currently at our office, looking through the gang's documentation to check if everything was alright.

"Hey guys, want something to eat? We are going out to get food," Jason said, looking through the door.

I looked at Ace to see if he wanted anything. "No, we're not hungry," I said, and Ace agreed.

I groaned and dropped the papers. Finally, it was all done.

"So, what do we have to do tonight?" Ace asked.
I picked up the last paper and looked through it quickly.

"We only have to get our deliveries from the port tonight," I replied and looked at Ace.

"Ugh, I'm too lazy to do that," he said and dropped his head to the table.

I rolled my eyes at him. He's always been like this when it comes to doing lots of things in one day-- I can't understand how his gang was #1 in London.

I walked out of the office, leaving Ace alone with his laziness, and went downstairs.

When I got there I saw something in the middle of the living room; a box.

I stopped walking and slowly looked around the room. There wasn't anything unusual. Everything was normal-- nothing had been destroyed or stolen.

I cautiously walked to the box, keeping one hand in the back of my jeans where my gun was.

It was just a simple package, nothing written on it. A plain box with tape on top of it.

I ripped the tape with my hand and quickly opened the box. When I saw what was there, I jumped back.

My heart was beating like crazy and my mind was cloudy. I took a deep breath and walked to the box again.

This time I closely looked at the thing inside of it. A hundred questions flew through my head.

How? When? Why? Who?

I heard Ace's footsteps coming from the stairs and closed the box. I took it and walked to the backyard to throw it away.

I didn't think that this was something important. Just some sick joke.

I walked back to the kitchen and Ace was already there. He was playing with his phone. When he saw me enter the room he put it down.

"What were you doing?" He asked. I sat near him and shrugged. "Nothing, I was just looking for my phone," I said.

Then the doorbell rang. I walked to the door and opened it. But there was no one there.

I looked around and saw nothing. Then I looked down and saw it.

The same fucking box that I had just thrown out.

"Who's there Chance?" Ace said and walked to me. He looked around and saw the box.

He was confused and looked at me. I just took the box and closed the door.

"What is in there?" he asked as I put it down in the living room.

I cleared my throat. "Well, I found this box here when I came into the living room, and I just threw it out. But here it is again," I said quickly.

Ace looked at the box and then at me. "You didn't tell me about it," he accused.

I nodded. "I thought that it would be better if I just left it alone," I said and sat near him.

Ace looked confused and stood up to look at the box. When he opened it, his eyes went big and he looked at me.

"What the fuck is this?" he asked, slightly angrily.

I stood up and looked at the box again. Inside the box there was my knife with dried blood on it, necklace, and the paper.

"Chance, what does this shit mean?" he asked one more time and pointed at the box.

I picked up the paper and turned it to Ace. On the paper there were only 2 words. 2 words that could be both destructive and understanding:

I know.

"I killed Blaine with this knife and left it there. Necklace was his too. It has a little blood on it," I said. Blaine is my step brother who abused and destroyed my life. I got my revenge on him, but the pain he. caused me is still here.

Ace thought about it for a minute and looked at me, worried. We organized that revenge killed few other people along with Blaine

"Does this mean someone knows about it? That we killed him and others that night?" he said and I nodded.

"But who could it be? We killed everyone and this stuff, you only could get them if you were inside. But we burned the house as soon as we walked out," I said, moving my hand through my hair.

Ace sighed and sat on the couch. "So, what now? Someone knows that we are the killers. Half of the New York knows that our gang is dangerous," he said and kept looking at the box.

"You're right. Everyone knows how dangerous our gang is. Like I said before, it's probably just some sick joke," I said and closed the box.

"Yeah, let's throw it away. I don't think that this can be more than just a joke," Ace agreed.

Ace walked out and threw it in the trash bin at the end of the street.

But I had this feeling that it wasn't gonna end this easy.

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