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Ace's POV:

I groaned and threw myself to the bed. It was really tiring week. Whole week we trained and made gang members fight. We also made few attack plans for the emergency situations.

"Are you asleep?" Chance said as she walked inside the room. "No, just tired" I said and moved to the side so she can lay with me.

She nodded and layed near me and cuddled to me. "I love you. You know that right?" I said to Chance and leaned on to kiss her.

She smiled and closed the gap between us. I roed over so I was on top of her now.

She placed her hands on my hair and I helped her to get undressed.

(A/N You all know what happens after so I am not gonna write it)

"Good morning" Chance mumbled to me as I opened my eyes. I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek.

We were to lazy to get up so we layed like this for hour and then decided that we must get up.

"Coffe or tea?" I asked Chance as I made myself tea. "Well, lets make a change tea please" she said.

Guys were all up too. Max was watching TV and Mason was in the gym again.

Jason and Blair took a day out and went outt of the city. Theu were getting aling really good.

Now we only have to find girlfriend for Mason.

I put our cups down and Chance placed bacon on the table.

"Dude, you better come here!" Max yelled from living room as me and Chance was finishing our breakfast.

We looked at each other confused but eventually went to the living room.Max was looking at somethig in his phone.

"Jake and Logan called from London. There weree some random attacks to them. They defeated them easily. But they think it'd be better if we came" Max said.

Logan and Jake were right. We haven't been in London for a while now.

We can't leave this gang to go with the flow. It is ours too. We must check up on them every few months.

"I think we must go there too. There could be some serious threat there too. It is better if we stop it now than latter" Chance said and I agreed.

"Max, call Mason and inform him too. For now don't call Jason " I said and Max chuckled. Then he dialed Mason's number.

After Mason came we decided that we can't leave New York without of control too.

"Lets do it like this: You and Mason go to the London while Max and Jason stay here in New York" Chance said.

"But what about you?" Mason asked the question that I had in my mind.

"I can't go with you anyways. We don't know how long it will take till we sort out the problem. And for now I have a mission-finding the Felix's real identity and destroying his gang. I can't leave it like that" Chance said.

I nodded knowingly but it still made me feel uneasy. It's not like I don't trust Chance. I trust her but I don't trust that guy.

Who knows what a guy can do to get under girls skin.

"So, what now?" Max asked after few seconds of silence.

"Well, I think, you should make the plane ready for tomorrow." Chance said and looked at ne for confirmation.

I nodded at her and looked at Mason. "Also we should get more informatiom about the situation. Make a video call with Logan" I said to him.

We made video call with Jake and Logan and talked about everything that have been happening lately.

We spent whole day getting information about our rivals in London and trying to find the connection between them and Blurred Souls.

However, the luck wasn't in our side.

"You sure you would be fine without a drink?" Chance asked me as I was packing my bag.

I nodded to her and sat at our bed. "Yep, I can survive a flight without getting drunk. I am a strong man" I said he last part more playfully and Chance lightly punched my arm.

"Yeah, sure you are. But you can't be stronger than me" she said and moved her hair to the back proudly.

I smirked at her and looked at her with the playfull glare. "Let's test it then" I said and lunged towards Chance.

But she was quicker than me and moved away. Which made me fall from the bed.

Chance laughed at that and I glared at her. She stopped her laugheter and then helped me to get up from the ground.

After a while of running around the house we got tired and layed on our bed.

Chance cuddled to me and I put my head in the crock of her neck.

I was nearly falling asleep when I heard the sound of Chance's phone.

Chance was awake and she picked up her phone to check it. It was Peter of course.

Who else would be stupid enough to write in the middle of the night.

"Ace it is not middle of the night. It is 10:30 pm." Chance said and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Did I say this out loud?" I asked kind of confused. Chance chuckled at me and nodded.

"Don't be jealous babe. I only love you" Chance whispered and that was the last thing that I heard before drifting of to sleep.

Hi guys, it is your lazy writer. Today I saw that My life in the Gang-the first part of this book got to #15 in Action.

I am so happy guys. Thank you all for voting and commenting. I really appreciate that.

-Ayla 💖-

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