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rosie: what are your dreams?

lisa: ermm that's a bit random
lisa: actually lemme think

rosie: just curious

lisa: I'm not sure tbh
lisa: idk, get a song to 1bn views one day?

rosie: noiceee

lisa: and you?

rosie: lol idk either tbh
rosie: but I daydream a lot so if you don't mind waiting a few days, I can give you a list

lisa: haha that's alright
lisa: ooh!

rosie: yeah?

lisa: what did you wanna be as a kid?
lisa: I can't believe after all this time I've known you for, I never asked this

rosie: well, I never saw myself becoming an idol, ever
rosie: I would've probably become an artist

lisa: Omgg then we can go to galleries togetherrr

rosie: that would be so cute ❤️

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