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rosie: dammit even i can't keep up with our own promotions

lisa: looooool

rosie: imagine how busy the fans must be to keep up with us XD

lisa: nahh they aight, bc mine and jennie's bomb ass english raps are toasting their breads

rosie: no they're creating forest fires

rosie: which are bad

lisa: at least i can rap

rosie: at least i can speak english properly

lisa: dat went too far :,(

rosie: i can ride further with my new bike

lisa: eeeeeh looks like someone else is the queen of sass now

rosie: i'm not the queen of sass, i'm the queen of badass

lisa: OoOoOhHhHhHh

lisa: A-R-D ROSIE

rosie: mmmblocking out the haters with ma new fringe rn

lisa: i did that first heyyyy

A/N: 1 week of school left baby! I can't wait for summer any longer <3 <3. A lot of my favourite teachers are leaving which is sad but I'm really glad for something else as well! After sacrificing my enjoyments, resisting temptation and studying super hard, I got amazing grades in my exams :D, all A+ and A++ equivalents (funny how i got top english grades when i literally write in broken english all the time tho lol ) <3

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