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rosie: we could go to Jennie's party first and then go to the dank one after

lisa: mmm that could still seem suspicious tho

rosie: dw, we can figure something out

lisa: you keep saying that but nothing is actually happening

lisa: lets just pull out of this, there's always a next year I guess 😔

rosie: no there must be a way

lisa: it's fine, let's just go to jennie's instead

rosie: we could do that but you know how much we've been looking forward to this

rosie: I'm still buzzing to go

rosie: I don't wanna waste my costume either

lisa: you never know, jennie's party could turn out to be alright

lisa: I love myself some ghost and pumpkin shaped cookies

lisa: and purple mocktails

rosie: and trying to have great awkward time around jennie's parents?

lisa: why not?

lisa: better than nothing

A/N: I went out with some friends today... One wore a black coat and the other wore a pink coat 🌚, they know me so well to come in the right colours lol. And Khalid's voice... Can I just breathe one sec?

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