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lisa: yo yo

rosie: wagwan ma rudeboi

lisa: i heard you sang irreplaceable by queen b

rosie: yusss

lisa: what did you sing when we filmed that JYP's Party People thing

rosie: i forgot

lisa: remember duuuuude

rosie: just chech poopheyy on twitter, they know everything

lisa: ahhhh, you sang Officially Missing You

rosie: yep

rosie: that's not even the best part

lisa: what else?

rosie: apparently jisoo spilt her cocktail when she was talking

lisa: wow

lisa: and apparently maknae's are the dumbest

rosie: not anymore

jichu: hEY

A/N: here comes more promotions in Japan haha, anyone keeping up with Blackpink's crazy schedule? XD

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