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lisa: what should we do this afternoon

rosie: oh, that's weird

lisa: wassup?

rosie: ur message today seems so...
rosie: so normal

lisa: normal??

rosie: like not crazy and absurd

lisa: oh ryte
lisa: I'm not on a sugar high today

rosie: ohhhh that's whyyyy
rosie: wait you didn't eat any sugar??

lisa: I've been banned from having sweets :,(

rosie: omg hOW LONggg

lisa: a week *o*
lisa: I got caught having too much

rosie: I guess u can't get chubby when we're so close to our comeback time

lisa: but I'd burn off all the calories from dance practice

rosie: I knowwww
rosie: we just gotta stay strong

lisa: I can't stay strong
lisa: I can't survive on a sugar low :(

rosie: aighttt
rosie: I'll sneak some in for u ;)

lisa: cadbury's pls
lisa: oreo cadbury if ya can

rosie: ahhhh what would you do without

lisa: fck Jennie 👅

rosie: I see I don't matter :(

lisa: lmao u RLLY think I'd do that XD

rosie: LIL GURL

A/N: first day back n I gotta comeback after school on Friday for a test :/

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