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rosie: remember that day when we were performing outside in the rain?

lisa: oh yeah when we went to hell?
lisa: yh

rosie: it was so slippery
rosie: and I kept on sliding

lisa: sliding where?

rosie: into jennie's DMs

lisa: MAWKWJWJWHSJA1!!11!1!!11!1!

rosie: calm downnnn
rosie: but more precisely, I slid into her-

lisa: que??

rosie: wot

lisa: are u tryna make me jealous?

lisa: bc of my peng japanese friend?

rosie: lmao, you think i see her as a threat?

lisa: don't even lieeee lol ik u do

A/N: here are some pics of me from yesterday bc i felt cute lol. here's a chance to see my face if you haven't before yayyy. oh and last time i revealed my face i used the dog filter too so this time it's my face straight up :D
*deleted pictures*

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