066 (meet author's real life girlfriend)

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A/N: Fooled ya! I've been tagged by the wonderful bae @paradiseproject 😜 to answer 13 questions chosen by them 😊.

Here are the rules ❤️:

Now here are the questions I've been asked to do 👍:

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Now here are the questions I've been asked to do 👍:

Q1: Favourite clothing brand?
A: H&M❗️❗️

Q2: Last song you listened to?
A: Exo - Ko Ko Bop 😏😏

Q3: Favourite tv show?
A: Ackley Bridge (baso only British shoe I like)

Q4: Silver or Gold?
A: Silver 💯

Q5: Favourite season of the year?
A: Summer 😍🙌

Q6: Being instagram famous or YouTube famous?
A: Instagram famous 🌚

Q7: Blackpink or Twice?
A: I think that's obvious 😂 (Blackpink 😏)

Q8: If you could have one kpop group reunite which group would it be?
A: Wonder Girls 😢

Q9: YG or SM?
A: YG 😎

Q10: White or Milk chocolate?
A: Milk chocolate 🍫

Q11: What's your biggest fear/phobia?
A: Fear of blood and knives 😵

Q12: Which do you prefer, Spring Day by BTS or Not Today by BTS?
A: Not Today 😤👌

Q13: Have the power to fly or become invisible?
A: Fly 💸💸

Now it's my turn 😈! I tag these accounts to answer my questions:

The questions 💯🙌:
1. Top dream destination to travel to?
2. Favourite kpop girl group?
3. Do you trust internet friends or real life friends more?
4. If you had one day to live, what would you do?
5. Favourite ice cream flavour?
6. Are you in a relationship or single?
7. Who is your man crush?
8. First ever kpop group you listened to?
9. What colour are you eyes?
10. How old are you?
11. Favourite book ever?
12. Which do you prefer, the day or the night?
13. Favourite game as a kid?

As always, only do the tag if you want to! In the mean time, I'll just reply to old comments because why not 😂. Now that summer came too, I'm planning on just continuing all my stories since I'll never find the old drafts/plans 🙂🙃😂.

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