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lisa: so you can draw 😏

rosie: yh I do a little I guess

lisa: really well 😏
lisa: don't even try to be modest

rosie: okay then yh, I'm good at drawing 😂

lisa: good gurllll

rosie: seems like this is going in some weird direction 🤔
rosie: what do you want me to do 👀

lisa: oh nothinggg

rosie: really?

lisa: oki I wanna see ur drawings 🙈

rosie: aha 😂

lisa: fans wanna see them but I haven't even seen all of them yet 😭

rosie: some are nsfw

lisa: which ones-

rosie: not saying

lisa: u draw naked girls don't u
read at 5:24pm

rosie: 😳😳

lisa: dw then, I already know how I look naked and so do you ;)

A/N: thanks for all the good luck messages in the last part guys! I still froze in the exam but atleast I did something 😂💕

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