Chapter 18: 'Worth the risk'

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I couldn't go another day without the taste that those lips allow.

"Yes, I have given in." I admitted. His smile widened and he burrowed his face into the crook of my neck, and sighed in contentment.

At this moment, I couldn't care less about the consequences of opening my heart up to him. I will deal with it when he gets his memory back.



I lifted my mug of coffee to my cold lips as I sat on my beige sofa alone, watching Breakfast. I looked at the television screen, with half open eyes, sipping on the hot drink, the coffee working like liquid gold as it ran down my throat. I was immediately greeted with a slightly bitter, roasted, a little nutty, crisp, but very subtle natural sweetness, with a lingering after taste. I savoured the flavour and the delightful warmth that the brown liquid bestowed upon my lips, awaking my drowsiness.

I snuck out of bed early this morning, careful not to wake up Marcus from his angelic sleeping state. I was flooded with the memories of last night; when Marcus held me close to his chest, as I snuggled into his warm embrace, I felt complete. And I couldn't forget the sweet and sensual kiss we shared previously. I had indicated that I no longer wanted to maintain a friendship with him, but something more. The taste of his lips on mine was intoxicating, but now, the sobering thought of him never being completely mine, brought me back to reality. I can't ignore the fact that Marcus had a girlfriend before he lost his memory, who is probably worried sick, earnestly searching for him and is one hundred percent committed to him. Yet, when Marcus is in my proximity, all rational thought perished from my mind. Marcus made it clear that he had disregarded the fact that he has a girlfriend, and yesterday I was with him all the way. Today, I'm not so sure. Would it make me a bad person to pursue a relationship with a man diagnosed with retrograde amnesia, who feels no commitment to a girlfriend he doesn't remember, which could change when he gets his memory back? It's like I'm having an inner battle between my mind and my heart. However, it his my mind that his protecting my heart from the hurt and pain of the inevitable: when Marcus remembers his past, when he remembers it all, he will no longer be part of my life and leave to resume his own. I've never felt so strongly about someone before.

"Why'd you get up so early?" Marcus' husky and sleep droned voice, sounded from the entrance of the living room. My head snapped to his direction, my eyes greedily devouring his body. He was lazily leaning on the door frame, in nothing but his navy blue boxer briefs, his caramel brown hair, slightly more dishevelled than usual. Oh my, did he look delicious this morning. He stretched tiredly and I watched as his defined muscles rippled as he moved, like a mighty stallion.

"Don't know. I just woke up naturally, I didn't want to disturb you." I replied, my eyes finally meeting his. He smirked at my blatant ogling of his scrumptious body. He stalked towards me and sat down next to me. He rested his arm behind me on the sofa. His natural, masculine sent engulfing me.

"I'd be a privilege to wake up to the sight of your strikingly beautiful face, not a disturbance." Charm, streaming from his voice. I felt a wave of burning heat simmering in the lower region of my body. The effect of his presence intensifies each day. He leaned forward and kissed the base of my neck, nipping and sucking on it sensually. I purred in satisfaction at the power his tender lips had on my body. He pulled away and pecked my lips. His eyes darkened with lust, the green more intense and mysterious looking. "You tastes so good." He breathed, his tone seductive. He pulled in for another kiss but I blocked his assault on my lips with my finger, before I got lost in the passion that his mouth awakens from a mere kiss, and weakens my mind from rational thoughts. He froze and his eye brows furrowed in confusion. I removed my index finger from his lips, and lightly pushed on his chest, so that he was no longer leaning dangerously close to me. I need to address my anxieties before anything more happens between us. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"We need to discuss this situation," I elaborated.

"What situation?" Confusion still seeping through his voice.

"You having a girlfriend, who you could remember in a matter of weeks or months, then forget about me. I'm not sure if my heart can take that risk." His expression hardened at my words. He cupped the side of my face and stared intently in to my eyes.

"Victoria, what I feel for you is something strong. I don't know for sure if it is love. In fact, I'm not even sure if I know what love is, with the whole amnesia thing. But I know one thing for sure: I want to be with you. I want you to be my girlfriend. If you feel the same, then there's nothing else to consider. I'm pretty sure that when I get my memory back that I will be so madly in love with you, that I would break up with by 'girlfriend' immediately, because no other girl can compare to you." By now, my vision was blurry from the tears welling up in my eyes. This man is amazing.

"You can never know for sure if that will be the outcome, Marcus." I pressed.

"Well, isn't it worth the risk?" He asked, with mischief dancing in his eyes.

Yes.He is. He is worth it. "Yes, Marcus. You are worth it." A smile creeping onto my face. A beaming smile spread across his face, like a child on Christmas morning. He leaned in to plant a slow and sensual kiss on my lips. As he pulled away I whimpered in protest. He gave me one last peck then picked up my mug of coffee from the coffee table, and took a sip.

"Mmmhh. That is good." He sighed.

I glared at him. "You may be my boyfriend now, but my coffee is off limits." I scalded.








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