Chapter 13: The note

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"I'm not really that close to her. We had our banters and moments and that's about it; we were just neighbours. I remember when the movers were coming to move her things, we had our normal banter. I teased her about missing me and she said something along the lines; 'Oh please. Why would I miss you Archie? I'm so excited to finally leave this God-forsaken neighbourhood, and escape your constant infuriating parties. I'm moving in with my boyfriend far away from here. North London should be much more peaceful.' She really was a feisty character you will never forget, I will always miss our banter." Archie put a hand to his chest and wiped a fake tear from his eye.

North London is massive! How on earth are we going to find her?

Well, that was very helpful (Note the sarcasm).


Victoria's POV:


Back at my place...

We all collapsed onto the sofa in exhaustion.

"So far, all we have recovered from this tiring day is that approximately a month ago, Marcus was dining at Harvester with a Woman known as 'Gabby.' He saved a guy who works in McDonalds from chocking to death, and Gabby used to live at 65 Madeline Avenue a month ago, until she moved in with her boyfriend in North London." I summarised.

"And we also live in North London, which means for all we know, she could be living around the corner." Alexis added.

"So the question is; where? Where does this mysterious 'Gabby' live?" Marcus inputted.

"There's no way that we could possibly find out.  Neither Michael, Archie nor Florence know, and they were our only leads." I sighed in defeat. 

Alexis stood up. "Well it's back to the drawing board then. We should keep a record of the new information we've found." She looked to me. "Where'd you keep your notepads?" She asked.

"In my study." I replied. "I'll go and get it. My study is off limits to anyone but me." Alexis rolled her eyes, as she knows how many times I've forbidden her from entering my study when she gets too curious. I made my way to my study and closed the door behind me. I inhaled the glorious scent of peaches and lavender and sighed in contentment. My study was nothing too fancy, it was just a home office. It had shelves with a series of books, a large cabinet, a burgundy desk in the middle with a matching desk chair with a window with shutters behind it. It was impeccably clean and organised, just how I like it. There were pictures of my foster brother, my grandfather and the only picture I have of my mother. No one should see those because I don't want to explain my past.

 I went to my desk and opened the draw beneath it, then took out a notepad and pen. I closed the draw and sat down on my desk chair. It's always peaceful sitting in my study. I just get absorbed in my work, and nothing else in the world matters. It's also a good place to think about things. My life was so simple and routine since I left university and got my own place. Then when I met Marcus, well, more like crashed into him, everything's changed. Life's more hectic and stressful, however it's a lot less lonely and I'm finally starting to act more carefree. When me and Marcus had that popcorn fight on the sofa, I was quite surprised at myself for initiating it. I'm sort of a clean freak, and three weeks ago I would never have allowed such a thing to happen. Marcus has been distracting me so much, that I almost forgot about the threat of Michael Gory. Even the fact that the employee from McDonald's name is also Michael, didn't even bring my crazy ex-boyfriend to mind. I was too determined to help Marcus. Wait! Why haven't I received anymore threats from Michael Gory? I know for a fact that he wouldn't have just given up already, or had gotten bored. I bet he's planning something big, something sinister. He's waiting for me to let my guard down in order to  strike when I least expect it. He's had a whole six years in prison to plan his revenge, so I doubt that he would suddenly have a change of heart and do something better with his life.

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