Chapter 1: The Accident

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Trevor's POV:

"Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missin' home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go

Staring at the bottom of your glass
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last
But dreams come slow and they go so fast"

I softly hummed to the beautiful lyrics of Passenger let her go, as I listened to radio in my car on my way home to my beloved. This song makes me appreciate my woman for who she is, because I will never want to let her go. Life wouldn't be the same without her. I was still wearing that permanent smile on my face from the moment when Gabriella said yes to my proposal five days ago. I was lost in that giddy, love sick feeling you get when you've fallen hard for the goddess of your fantasies. The guys back at college would laugh at how much of a love sick puppy I've become, but I didn't care, as long as I was marrying the girl of my dreams in a few months...I was happy. You see, I used to be the cliché bad boy in my school days but meeting Gabriella changed me for the better.

I was currently driving through the worst storm in 50 years, according to the weather people. The wind shields of my car vigorously flapped from side to side, trying to clear the rain. Thunder clouds brooded the sky, darkening the evening. Lightening urgently flashed, announcing the inevitable thunder which boomed mightily in outrage. The untameable wind was blowing at 95 mph. Yet, although the weather was absolutely miserable, it didn't faze me.

There weren't any cars in my line of view--everyone must be locked up in their houses safe and sound while I journeyed through the perilous weather alone and vulnerable. I was beginning to get a little scared as the thunderstorm became more aggressive; the lightening more consistent and the thunder exploding in booms of merciless peril. I know I may sound like a pansy right now but if you were in my situation you'd understand. So once again, my thoughts were centred solely on my beautiful Gabriella and seeing that radiant smile of hers again. I never really believed in fate, nonetheless I thought we were made for each other. I was so lucky to meet someone like her. Just when my fears subsided and I was starting feeling content on making it home to my Gabriella, my one and only soul mate: something significant happened.

Out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning struck my car, and I felt a tremendous shock wave from the thunder attack my vehicle, causing my Ferrari to spin uncontrollably! My heart was beating erratically, and everything became a blur, like when you're on one of those rides in those theme parks that spin rapidly as if it will never end. As cliché as it sounds, my whole life flashed before my eyes. My disturbing and broken school constant partying...and meeting Gabriella. I would never get to wed my gorgeous bride to be, or start a family. I would-

All of a sudden my car halted to a stop at the side of the motorway. The lightning must have caused internal damage to the electronic systems in my Ferrari. I sat in shock and awe at my once in a life time experience. My heart beat began to regulate and I let out the retained breath I didn't realise I was holding. I think I was sitting there for a good five minutes listening to the loud pelts of rain and the raging winds, trying to comprehend the surreal experience that, as phenomenal as it was, I would not want a repeat of.

I couldn't believe I survived that lightning strike without a scratch on my body. For a matter a fact, I read an article about a guy called Chase Matthews a few months ago who experienced the same thing. The reason we both survived and was safe in our cars from a lightning storm was because the metal body of the car acted as a protective shield. When lightning hits a car, the electricity follows the frame of the car and out through the tires into the ground. The outer surface carries most of the electricity. The persons inside this steel box can be likened to have been protected by a partial Faraday cage. It's absolutely incredible and frightening at the same time.

As I recollected my thoughts I made sure I wasn't touching anything metal out of caution. I remembered that the article said something about; if Chase had been touching anything metal or electronic in the car, at the time the lightning hit, then he could have been electrocuted. As the reality of my situation finally sank in, I realised that I couldn't use my phone to call the AA or any source of help, as any electronic device in my vehicle could be at risk.

This experience had made me even more determined to make it home to Gabriella as soon as possible. So I put on a pair of leather gloves from my jacket pocket, opened my car door and jumped out of my Ferrari into the pouring rain. Too bad my coat wasn't water proof. I threw my hood over my head and started walking up the side of road. You'd expect the motorways in London to be full of cars yet this particular one was deserted. Struggling against the wind, I squinted to see that a car coming my way, the head lights shining as bright as a beacon in the pitch black night. I frantically started waving my hands from side to side in the air in desperation, hoping to catch the driver's attention, and that it would stop to help me. Unfortunately, to my displeasure, it drove straight pass me. What an @sshole!-excuse my French but this situation is a cause for such explicit language.

This happened three more times! Three! My face was now wet and frozen and the chill of the air was becoming almost unbearable. Gabriella is probably worried sick and anxious for my arrival. I was desperate. The next car that comes by will have no choice but to stop!! Thunder boomed explosively as if to emphasise my point.


Victoria Summer's POV:

"Don't worry Alexis; I will make it home safe. It's only a thunderstorm, just CALM DOWN. If you expect something bad to happen then it will. You're starting to sound more like my mother rather than my best friend!" I spoke warily to the windshield, as I was currently talking to Alexis on speaker phone whist driving home. The rain was hailing down heavily, the wind was blowing ferociously, and it was getting hard to see where I was driving.

"I know, I'm sorry Victoria, but I can't help but worry. The storm looks so dangerous and I'm only watching it from the window, I can't imagine how terrible it will be to actually be out there." She replied hysterically. Alexis was like the mother hen amongst my group of close friends. Leave it to her to plan my funeral if I had ever come home ten minutes later than promised. (She lives in the same block of flats as me. Next door to be exact. My home is practically a second home to her as she always sleeps over my house to have some girl time. She even owns the spare key.) Alexis is currently in my house waiting for me to come home in one peace. She just had to hear my voice to reassure her that I was still alive. Talk about melodramatic.

"I will be ok. I'm almost there, just make yourself at home and watch TV or something." I soothingly cooed to her, trying to ease her worries.

"That's a good idea! Some good old TV will calm me down." She replied enthusiastically, "You know how much I hate thunderstorms." I heard her briefly rustling for the remote.

"I sure do.."

"OMG!" Alexis overdramatically screamed into the phone, successfully scaring the crap out of me.

"What! What!" I urged anxiously.

"The news! there's-" I didn't hear the rest of what Alexis had to say as some crazy guy just jumped in front my car, waving his hands in the air, shouting something I couldn't decipher over the loud gusts of wind. I screamed in surprise and shock, as I didn't have much reaction time to stop, and the front of my car collided with the crazy man, sending him flying backwards.

I immediately hit the brakes and started hyperventilating. Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, I just killed someone! I'm only 22 and I committed my first murder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






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