35. Suspect

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- Jimin -

The reason why I was in my father's office right now was me being in the headlines everywhere once again and the way media portrayed it by bringing up the past. This whole thing became too much for me. It felt like everything was against me even though there were people who trusted my words.

My mother called me in the morning and she was so worried about me.

I quickly glanced at the man in front of me and looked back at the floor again. I had been standing for ten minutes now but he decided not to speak until his work was completed.

"Did you do it?" he finally looked at me and spoke.

"No, " I whimpered.

"Did you already know what had happened to her?" he asked again.

"No. I found out from the police, " I lied to him as well.

"So, I called our lawyer this morning but he told me that you've already consulted with him the day before yesterday. AND the police interrogated you yesterday, RIGHT?" he raised his voice and glared at me.

I would be lying if I'd say I wasn't happy hearing that he consulted the lawyer, but at the same time, fuck, I ruined it. My words conflicted with what he found out. I should have talked with a different lawyer or told our lawyer not to tell my father beforehand.

"I'm sorry, dad. I found out about it a few days ago, but I didn't do it, " I could not tell him about the one who told me.

"I don't know how much of what you said is true, but I trust you enough that you wouldn't kill a person. The reporters are here and you're gonna deal with them. Go and meet the lawyer first. He must be in your office by now, " he asked me to leave.

It gave me hope. I was not in the situation to be happy right now but I smiled for a few seconds even though he still had his straight face on. I thanked him and walked back to my office. I talked to a lawyer for about an hour of the appointment until he left.

I was still scared to go in front of those people with question and cameras all over me.

"Jimin Hyung? Uncle Park is asking you to go to the hall, " and my friend here brought the bad news.

"I'm scared, Jungkook. I hope this will end soon, " I sighed.

"Everything will be fine, " another person who supported me in this.

It was not easy when this was not my first time. I had been in the same situation two years back when I was labelled as a famous cheater. But I finally gathered the courage to confront the media and walked to the conference hall. I stood in front of those people and welcomed the questions one by one.

"You've been called by police to talk about kidnapping and attempt to murder case. Would you like to tell anything to the people who are watching this?"

"If anything happens to someone close to you, you will be the first suspect, " I cleared the things out that I was not a culprit to be treated like one.

"Can you elaborate?" a guy asked.

"Sure, what I mean is that if your wife gets killed, you will be the first suspect, " I told him in the nicest possible way.

Those people also asked questions unrelated to the situation right now and even dug my past and brought everything up again. I chose to ignore all of them. I was sure she would be watching this and it would only be digging her scars.

It was scary how I always had her in my mind.

"Next question, please, " my assistant asked.

"Is the victim the same person who went missing two years back?"

"I don't understand why would anyone wanna know this. Even the police have kept her identity hidden. Do you guys not understand this is confidential? And for your kind information, I have dated a lot of girls. If you have time, you can dig all of them up. Maybe I've dated one of you?" the question got me this time.

"Sure you dated a lot of girls but you killed one—"

"I hope you get your language correct. I am a suspect, and there is a difference between a suspect and a culprit. I hope you write about me when I get proven innocent. Thank you for your questions, " I stood up and walked out of the room.

I rushed straight to my office and broke down in front of this one person who had seen me at my worst times and this was one of them.


"Can you leave me alone, kook?" I asked and he gave me space.

The only hope I had this moment was from Kim Taehyung. He called me on the morning and told me that he was on his way to Busan to interrogate the kidnapper himself and assured me that the truth will come out soon.

I took leave from work for the rest of the day and drove around the city. I listened to my own voice from earlier in the news. I needed to see her so badly or else I felt like my mind would go crazy, so I went to her house again.

It seemed like no one was home. I stopped the car a bit far from the house and waited for her to come back. I saw her walking in a while but that police guy was nowhere to be seen.

A knock on my window scared the bit out of me. Fuck. It was him. I was asked to lower the window and  I did since there was no running away. He leaned in and raised his eyebrows.

"What you doing here?" he asked.

"I came to see her, " I honestly answered.

"Can I ask why?"

"I didn't try to kill her. I love her, man. And I miss her, " I said.

"I suggest you leave because there are eyes everywhere, " he said and looked behind me.

I turned around and saw a camera coming out from bushes which suddenly disappeared into the greens. I had to take care of this bush camera by spending some money.

Fucking reporters.


" The truth is never simple "


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