10. Helpless

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- Jihee -

A wide smile finally appeared on his face after several attempts, but it disappeared in no time. I turned to see what made the sudden change in expression, only to get mine changed as well. My throat was already sore because of earlier and now it became dry.

It was her.

I pretended as if I had never seen her before since this was the first time I officially met her. Those eyes of hers were fixed on my man and gave no glance at the other two around the table. "Can I sit here?" she pulled a chair and sat down beside him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in almost a whisper. "I came with my friends and spotted you here," she answered it aloud, letting all of us hear.

That was when her eyes stopped on me and she gave me a smile. "Hello, ma'am, " she slightly waved her hands. The expression she had was somewhat familiar as if she was claiming my man hers.

"She is my personal assistant, " I was introduced to her. "Would you like to order something?" I asked her to take this situation normally. "A glass of water, " she pulled a mug and poured it into a glass.

The youngest one in the table sat in his place and watched us without speaking a word. It started to get awkward as I noticed something going on under the table from my peripheral vision. I tried to ignore it, but how could I?

A lot of things was going on there between the boss and his personal assistant. Her hand traveled down his thighs near his crotch, and his hand rested on top of that. Those hands started having a little fight with each other.

My hands shivered as I grabbed my glass and it hit a bowl, resulting in a spoonful of curry fall on my lap, and I got a nice excuse to leave this place. I rushed out of there after excusing myself and ran back to the washroom.

I looked at my own reflection, standing right in front of the mirror. My eyes began to get teary again as the sight became blurry, and I cleaned the curry from my dress.

"You say you're scared of losing me. Like this? I was sitting right beside you. I would've caught you red-handed and made a scene right there, " I had no idea who was I talking to, such a waste.

Everything was slowly killing me inside. My life, my feelings, our relationship, all the this had become a joke, and another joke was that I had to forget about the pain, hold back the tears and put a smile on my face to go back to him.

I made sure to wash my face first before walking back, and she was gone until I got there. The other two was having a conversation but stopped as soon as I got on the scene.

- Jimin -

So this person had now dared to appear in front of my girl. I completely lost my appetite after I saw that face, and I received a lot of glares from the guy across the table, my neighbor, who definitely recognized her.

My heart skipped a beat and eyes went wide the moment I felt a warm hand on my thigh. I looked down to notice a hand rubbing over there and the owner with a smirk on her face. I gulped and turned to the other side where my girl was busy with her food, and I sighed in relief.

I tried to remove them, but her nails started to dig over my pants, so I took her hand and intertwined her fingers with mine to pull it behind so that it would be out of the view of anyone present there except for two of us.

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