24. Resign

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- Jihee -

It was a phone call that disturbed my sleep this early but my body stayed stubborn from making any move. I felt a slight poke on my arms in a little while and a whisper into my ear before I realized that the phone was handed to me and my eyes flashed to take a look.

"It's from Jungsik."

I showed a nervous smile and a nose scrunch to this person before answering the call. "Where are you?" that voice from the other line sounded weird. The one in the bed with me slipped his hand against my bare tummy and trapped me into his embrace.

"I'm in my bed, " I lied.

"I am at your place and you are not here! I need to talk to you, so come to my place right now, " and he hung up on me.

"You smell so good."

A few soft kisses against my shoulder tickled me in a way and I had to turn around to make him stop. I gave a light kiss on his cheek and hopped off the bed to go and take a shower. I looked at my naked top in the mirror and the first thing my eyes caught was the lightly visible scar in my chest plus a little bruise from last night right above it.

"This looks much better than the scar."

I did my job quickly since I had been ordered to get somewhere and rushed out of the bathroom. I was amazed to see how this man was actually faster than me that he was all clothed up by now and here I was half-naked in the towel.

"I need to start packing already."

"You seem excited, " I said simply for the sake of replying and walked to his closet to search for the clothes I could fit in.

It had almost been a year since I met him and all of this started. I was in a quiet miserable state the time I found myself physically attracted to this person I met in a party and one thing led to another. I got cheated on and so did he. It was simply two heartbroken people finding each other and ending up in a relationship.

A promise; no feelings for each other.

"What if I started to have feelings for you?"

That question completely ruined the mood I was in. I looked back at him and crossed my arms together. "Then I guess it's time to end-" "I said 'what if', okay? I have no plans to go through that shit again, " those words sort of calmed me since I was definitely not ready for any of this.

"Do I need to meet your family?" I asked unsure about the thing I agreed a few days ago.

"I told you I introduced you as my friend and that you were going with me, so they want to meet my only friend here, " he repeated the same from that day.

My buzzing phone reminded me that someone was waiting for me to have a talk but I ignored the call until it stopped and grabbed my things. "See you later, " I gave a quick kiss on his lips and headed out of his place.

Kim Samuel. That's his name.

I arrived at the place I was asked to get in a while, only to find this best friend of mine in a really bad mood. A piece of scrambled paper was thrown to me and I did a great catch plus a little celebration on it. I checked what the paper was about and sighed once I saw the title written in bold letters. I looked at the person in front of me nervously.



My mind turned blank even though I had this whole speech prepared in case this confrontation would come up. I began to search for the right words to let out of my mouth but the latter found a lot instead. "I don't think you have to resign for the trip for a month unless you're planning something else, " he raised his voice at me.

A trip to Korea; I was supposed to follow Samuel, meet his parents and take a tour of my own home country for a month, which sure sounded funny. I made a slight change to the plan which was the reason I decided to resign, and I told my boss not to tell anyone until I leave but got betrayed this way.

I was never going to forgive this stupid old man.

"I wanted to tell you but you know- I mean you have a great job here and you're in a serious relationship with someone. I really don't want you to follow me to my stupid adventures or whatever you call it. I'm sorry, " it was definitely not what I had prepared but I had to say something and hope for the best.

"Oh yeah, but you know you might be in danger, right?" he showed me his big eyes.

"I don't think so. Look, it still doesn't make sense at all on why would that person I left behind want to kill me when he could've easily broken up with me. I think there's a lot more than what we know-" I was not supposed to say all of this.

This would only make it harder for me to convince him. I decided to shut my mouth and think of something else that would persuade him, but those scary eyes of him glaring at me seemed like he would eat me any time.

"You know what? I'm gonna follow you-"

"NO! No! No!" I shook my head.

"You never listen to me, " he complained.

"I can take care of myself. I've become a strong woman now."

It was still hard to assure him but I sorted out things. I honestly had no idea why I wanted to go back to that place again and had this urge to see the reaction of that person to see me alive and actually doing good. I must have gone totally insane since I could be in danger.

The talk got interrupted the moment his phone began to buzz, and his facial expression made it clear who was it from. I pushed him out to the balcony to have his privacy but he came back shortly.

"I almost forgot about my date."

"Oh, you shouldn't be late."


"GO! GO!" and I shooed him away.

The happiest person to see him dating someone would be me.

"I've to go pack my things."

I had cried a lot for that one person since I moved in here and even hated myself for being me. There was a time I thought I should have died and allowed myself to feel insecure about every single thing about me, but not anymore.

I was going to see him very soon.

It was a huge mistake to think that he was my life, but I had realized that he was only an important part of my life who had taken me for granted and ended up as bad memories. That was it. I was stupid to not realize that sooner. I might not be able to love or trust anyone else again, but at least I learned something from this.

To love myself.


" Love Yourself "


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