19. I loved you

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- Jimin -

8:58 pm

My neighbor picked this person from the ground and brought to the police station. I hurried into the building and proceeded straight to the first room on the way while the younger followed me. An officer was sitting there across the desk and was busy on his phone.

"I want to file a report."

I walked in and banged on the furniture, and it had him jump from his position and drop the cell phone from his hand. "You scared me, " he placed his hand on his chest and exhaled deeply before picking the thing that just kissed the floor.

"My girl is missing— Please help me, Officer Kim," I eyed the name tag on his uniform.

I was offered to have a seat and calm myself first, but calm was what not the concern at this moment. "Name? Age?" the officer asked and turned to the computer, strolling his fingers over the keyboard.

"Lee Jihee. 21."

"I asked her to meet me at Han Riverside at four— I looked for her at home and her workplace— coffee shop but— her phone is switched off, " I blurted out everything single word that came to my mouth.

The officer poured water into a glass and handed me, but I pushed it away and stretched my neck to check the computer screen. "And the last time you talked her?" he pushed the glass towards me and asked again. "I dropped her to the coffee shop. That was the last time, " I answered him.

"Who is he?" the officer pointed at the kid beside me.

"I'm Hyungsik. I live in the next door to them," the youngest said.

I was asked a few more questions and answered each of them. I also told him about her best friend, whose phone said unreachable, and the officer asked for his number and I gave him.

"Mr. Jungsik?" he made a phone call in front of us.

"This is Officer Kim Taehyung speaking from Seoul Crime Department, " he started.

"A report was filed about your missing best friend and I wanted you to come to the police station for inquiry—" he suddenly pulled the phone away from his ear as a faint voice of someone shouting could be heard from the other line, which made him hung up shortly.

"Leave her number, and you can wait and fill complete formalities until Mr. Jungsik comes."

- Jihee -

I Loved You ✓ | rewriting Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя