15. Rehearse

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- Jimin -

My eyes became puffier than the last night and it was clearly noticeable. I had no idea how to make it less obvious, so I let it be and walked out of the bathroom, only to encounter a person standing right in front of the door.

"You woke up, baby?" I tried to act cool.

"Are you okay now?" she asked.

I nodded my head and decided to walk past her, but her arms suddenly wrapped around my body as her head rested against my chest. "Everything will fine. Your dad will forgive you, " she tapped my back.

"What?" I slightly pushed her away and asked in confusion.

"Your Jungkook called me last night to ask if you've arrived home and told me about it. I was worried. Mind checking your phone?" she said, crossing her arms together.

I nervously grabbed and turned my phone on to check. "Thirty-seven missed calls?" it was a lot. "Twenty-three missed calls from baby, " she took a quick glance at my phone and cried out loud.

"I never really saw you crying before yesterday. And yeah, it's your turn to prepare breakfast today, " she pointed towards the door and walked into the bathroom.

It still had me confused, so I made a phone call to the person who told her about it. "What did you tell Jihee?" I asked as soon as the call was answered. "I told her that your father was disappointed and scolded you for handling the project carelessly, " his voice sounded as if he spoke with a mouth full of food, but I understood anyway.

"Eat well, " and I hung up.

It was my turn, so quickly wore my work clothes first and walked to the kitchen and proceeded to prepare breakfast.

"I love you— no, this is too direct."

So you guessed it right. I decided to confess to her since this confusion shit was the main problem in our relationship, and I cleared out. I hardly slept last night because of this, and my dumb ass took long enough to figure it out.

"The day has finally arrived— what the fuck?" it sounded ugh.

"Everyone told me it was love, but— but— but— haha, you are funny."

"I think I love you— No, I know I love you— hahahahaahah, Shut Up."

The rehearsal was interrupted by a phone call and the very moment a smell hit my nose. "She's gonna kill me, " I turned off the gas stove and brought the burnt dish into the sink while the phone kept on buzzing in my pocket.

I gave up on the burnt thing and decided to pick up the call instead, which was from Jungkook. "Hyung! I need the pen drive urgently, " he spoke from the other line. "I'll stop by the office, " I was about to hang up the call.

"What do you mean to stop by? Also, did you call me last night? I mean you were talking about love, or was it a dream?" he sounded confused.

No wonder why I suddenly got nervous. "I-I was planning to confess to her. That's why, " I stuttered for no reason. "Confess? To whom?" and his reaction confused me.

"Your Noona, duh."


I had to pull the phone away from my ear. "Are you serious?" I could hear the happiness in that voice. "And yeah, Jin hyung wanted to meet you. He asked for your number but I thought of asking you first."

"Who's Jinhyoung?" I never heard this kind of name before.

"Detective Kim," he said with an annoyed tone.

That reminded me of my assistant and the blackmail. I had no idea how this thing flew off my mind. The decision was sudden and in a hurry, but I did anyway. "I will tell my girl those things too, " I blurted out without giving a second thought.

"Are you sure?" he sounded worried.

It might sound stupid, but I wanted to lose her first so that I could earn her trust back. I needed to punish myself for what I had done and this would be the best way to do so.

"What about your clingy assistant?"

"I'll get rid of her, " but I was unsure about my own words.

"Bring the pen drive first, " he said in a bit pissed of tone. 


I immediately hung up and turned around, trying to hide the mess I had made of the utensil. "Did you—" she pushed me aside forcibly to get a view of my messed up work. "Your coffee is ready, " I poured the only thing that was safe into a cup and passed her.

"I'm sorry, " I hugged her from behind and kissed her neck as an apology.

"It's okay, " it was that easy. I was surprised. "Why don't you go and make things right so that your dad will be proud of you? Go and make him proud. I believe in you, " I was taken aback by those words and simply nodded.

This whole thing tried to change my mind and gave rise to a debate on whether I should tell her or not. I  could never lose this person when I was even not sure about the consequences.

"You will stay no matter what, right?" I asked, only to push away the thoughts which were trying to change the mind I had set.

And she nodded.

It brought a smile on my face as I took a sip of the coffee. "I'll make things right, " I convinced myself and left the half-empty cup on the table. I walked around the table and kissed her forehead.

I drove her to the shop as usual and asked for a kiss. "You are acting weird today, " she stated before my demand got fulfilled. "Baby?" I stopped her from walking out.

"Meet me at Han River at 4."

"Why?" she asked.

I simply showed off my smile and gave another kiss on her cheek before she stepped out of the car.

"I'll wait for you."


"What turn will our life take after this long-awaited confession?"


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