2. I know

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- Jihee -

My decision to go to work today turned out bad since my head started to feel heavier. I had an uneasy feeling since I woke up in the morning and knowing my body well, I needed some rest. So I decided to leave early and went to Jungsik to ask for permission.

"Can l go back early today? I have a headache."

As expected, his expression instantly turned into a worried one. "You want me to drive you home?" he asked in worry.  "No, it's okay. I'll go myself, " I rejected his offer and he wasn't glad to hear that.


"Yuri won't be able to handle the customers alone," I said, pointing at the woman behind him. Hearing my words, she turned to us and gave a slight nod, agreeing with what I said.

"Fine. Take care of yourself, alright?" he was still not happy to let me go back alone. "I will, " I reassured him to lighten his heavy heart and walked out after grabbing my things. "TAKE MEDICINE AND REST WELL!" he shouted from behind. "OKAY," I shouted back at him, without turning around.

Sure enough, I was about to go home but a foolish idea came to mind. Jimin. I wanted to visit his office first, forgetting the fact that I had already encountered heartbreaking scenes two times by going there.

As it was early today, my mind betrayed me with the thought that they might not be together. I peeked back to the shop and watched Jungsik getting busy with a customer. And even before deciding about going or not, my legs began to walk in the direction of his office.

Stupid, right?

In a few minutes, I arrived at the office. The staffs were busy with their work and I walked straight to his office room without being noticed by anyone. The door was slightly opened, so I decided to peek.

But the next moment, I regretted big time. I was not surprised since a part of my mind had expected this. My man was on the chair with his assistant on his lap.

Tears threatened to fall off my eyes but I stayed strong enough to hold them back and watched them. She spoke a few words which I could not hear and initiated a kiss. But he didn't kiss her back this time and my lips slightly got curved up.

Her hands traveled down and unbuttoned a few random buttons of his shirt. The worst part was he didn't even stop her with whatever she was doing with his body as if it was her own property.

That was it. I couldn't watch anymore, so I slowly closed the door to give them their privacy. Thank God, no one noticed me there since everyone was busy with their own work.

Deep inside, I already knew I would encounter something like this. Like I came here for this.

As I headed out of the place, I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry, " I apologized with a bow without giving that person a look. "Noona?" that voice was familiar which made me look up to his face.


Eyes opened wide, his expression was of shock. "W-What are you doing here?" he stuttered. "I came to meet Jimin," I said which only made him more nervous. "D-Did you meet him?" he continued with the stutter.

"I was on the way to his office but I got an urgent call from the coffee shop," of course, I was such a good liar. "So you didn't go to his office, right?" he asked and sighed in relief when I shook my head. The way he acted made sense to me.

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