18. Waiting

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2:47 pm

12 Gangnam street.

A raven car was across the street, with five people in it keeping an eye on this particular shop, Black Bean Coffee shop, and waiting for the woman to walk out. These men arrived a bit early to reduce the risk of missing the target.

"Look at this face carefully, " the boss showed a picture of the woman to one sitting right beside him. "Go and buy a coffee for me," he ordered.

The latter got the signal and obeyed the received order. It was easy for him to recognize the person who was in the counter, the same face from the picture earlier, but it somewhat made him nervous as he walked there.

"C-Coffee, " he stuttered.


It already had him drown in embarrassment by now. "I mean-a cafe latte, " he corrected himself and got his cup before running out of that place, back to the car. "The target is still there, " he informed the main.

3:23 pm

The time they had to spend there was enough for anyone to drift off to sleep and that was what the boss did, a short nap until it was time. The other four were asked to keep an eye and not to take a nap or any kind of break.

"Boss, she is leaving!"

"Let me sleep- Oh shit! Follow her, " the boss looked out of the window and the one who was driving started the engine.

The same as the plan, the car arrived at a place with fewer people around and it was time for execution of the main part as she was walking alone in the sidewalks. The driver waited for a signal from the boss and sped up the car once he received it.

- Jihee -

3:17 pm

It was almost time for me to go to the place I was asked for. This person was acting weird earlier and it made me a bit nervous about the date. I told my best friend about it and he gave me permission to leave early. No idea how long had he been intending to stay mad at me.

"It's time for me to leave, " I began an awkward conversation.

A little hum, that was it. I sighed and left without a goodbye, ignoring the uneasy feeling I had. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jacket and took way to the place. A vehicle suddenly stopped right next to me after a few minutes of walk and I decided to check on it.

It happened so fast that I found a hand around my waist and a handkerchief pressed over my mouth. I struggled to push the force against my body but I got pulled into the vehicle. I saw the face of a man and I used my force to push the other one until a sharp thing pierced through my neck.

Everything turned dark.

- Jimin -

3:53 pm


It was time. I became more nervous and my hands began to shake, but my face had a smile at the same time. I had so many things going on my mind since I never experienced this level of nervousness.

4:49 pm

The sky began to get dark and my body to shiver from cold. I checked the time again and decided to call her to remind her, in case she forgot about it, but her phone was switched off. It began to worry me, but I made an effort to think positive and convinced myself that she must have been on the way here and her battery dead.

6:31 pm

A tear fell off my eyes as I let out a sigh of disappointment and pulled out my phone to call her best friend instead, but his number was unreachable. I decided to go back home and drove there, only to find out the place empty.

This whole thing had me panic and I hurried to the coffee shop to check on her, but the shop was already closed, and I had no idea where the owner lived. I tried to call him again but was still unreachable.

7:03 pm

I drove back and decided to disturbed my neighbor to check if she was with him, but no one came to open the door, so I ended up in the same place again. I decided to call someone to ask for help, but today was definitely an unlucky day.

"Kook, answer my call, " I attempted several times until I gave up.

A familiar face person what I spotted from afar and he was with a girl. "Hey neighbor, " I ran to him and interrupted his moment with his date. "I asked her to meet me here at four- her phone is switched off- the shop is closed and she is not home yet, " I somehow completed the last sentence.

"I need to go. I'm really sorry, " he apologized to the girl and sent her back.

"Let's ask people if someone has seen her, " he suggested.

I agreed with him and ran here and there to inquire with people, showing her picture, but not a single person claimed to have seen her. I gave up on this as well and decided to contact the police already, so I ran back to go find the kid.

8:00 pm

The fireworks began and everyone got excited as I was still in search of the kid. I stopped, turned back and watched the sky since I heard people saying that it looked beautiful. Those firecrackers surely were colorful, but I found it full, no wonder why.

I got on my knees and held the ground to help myself from collapsing there. I came here to confess my feelings and watch this with her, but here I was alone, with eyes full of tears, and I confessed even though the person was absent.

"I love you."


"But you never came"


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