14. I love her

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- Hyungsik -

I took a ride of the elevator to the rooftop so that I would watch the night view of the city and spend some alone time. It was pretty late, so I thought no one would be there, but I saw a figure in the dark, sitting on the floor.

The first thought that came to my mind was to ignore that person and think like there was no one, but it was until I heard a few sobs. I walked closer, only to recognize him as my neighbor.

Eyes shut closed and a tiny tear rolling down one of his cheeks was what I noticed with the help of dim light.

My presence got noticed because of my noisy footsteps as he opened his eyes and hugged his knees before looking away. This person was definitely not in good condition, and as much as I disliked him, I could never ignore someone in this state.

"Why are you crying?"

- Jimin -

I was a total mess and found myself hesitant to ring the doorbell as I stood in front of our place, so I decided not to do so and rode the elevator to the rooftop. No one was really there and I found a corner to go and cry to myself.

All I could do was cry my heart out, but silently. I rested my back against the wall and closed my eyes. Those words from my father still kept bothering me a lot.

The wrong person; she fell for the wrong person like me.

I was so lost as some sort of thoughts began to invade my mind again; everything would be fine if I disappear from their life. My girl would find someone better than me.

It was funny how I always addressed her as my girl. I never deserved this amazing person in the first place.

Maybe people were right; I was only using her physically and emotionally for all these years— No! I could never even think of that.

I heard a noise and opened my eyes to check. Not that I was in a condition to encounter this person, so I ignored him and hugged my knees to accompany my body to stay still and not shiver.

"What are you crying?" he asked.

"Why do you care?" I shot him a glare.

I assumed him to leave me alone, but he walked to me and sat beside me instead to imitate the position I had.  "That's not the answer to my question, " he complained. I changed my position first and ignored him again.

"I'm here to lend my ear, " he pulled off a thin smile.

"What do you want to hear? I just disappointed my dad, my assistant is blackmailing me, and my girl— I'm near to lose her, " I said in a single breath, and the latter silently listened to me.

"You wanna hear more? My mom left me when I was five—  I've witnessed my dad begging her to stay— he was ready to forgive and accept her even after she cheated on him— but she left us," I said in between my sobs and stutters.

This whole thing had been suppressed inside me for a really long time now. I had to let out, so I did. "I promised myself that I will never fall in love with anyone, but this person— she makes me feel otherwise—"


"My Jihee."


"I am a cheater. But I regret everything— I really do, " I stopped as I realized that telling him about this would definitely not make things right.

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