Chapter 5- A Rough Start

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"Smile!" Frank yelled taking a picture of me. He looked at the picture and snickered. "You look like a lost puppy! Smile baby, the fans are gonna see it!" I looked away. "Carmen look here!!!" Frank said walking towards me.

"Frank I don't like pictures." I knew he was recording, as his phone was still pointed right at me. "Please stop." I giggled a little. I continued to put my eyeliner on as Gerard walked out of the bathroom. "Gerard, Frank is trying to take a picture of me!!" I playfully yelled.

Gerard sat on the floor next to me. I looked at him and smiled. "What's up kid?"

"There's the smile I wanted!" Frank said quickly taking a picture. He then proceeded to post the image on Twitter with the caption, 'Welcome to the new addition, Carmen!" Gerard was showing me the picture and laughing.

"Gerard, who am I standing in front of?" This worried me. I know I'm safe but still, I'm very worried. I scratched the back of my hand. It wasn't itchy it was more on calming myself down.

"You'll be on Frank's end of the stage. He'll make sure to keep a good watch over you." Gerard said emphasizing the last sentence. Frank nervously laughed.

"Yeah! I got my eye on you kid, so no kissing anybody!" Frank said poking my sides. I laughed nodding in agreement.

"Bob is going to take you to the stage now if you're ready." Gerard said smiling.

I looked at him and almost cried. Bob kind of freaks me out. He never talks to any of us, and when he looks at me he looks like a serial killer. I scratched the same spot I was before, I looked down and saw that it was red and a little bloody.

"Gee I don't think that's a good idea." Frank said walking into the bathroom with Gerard, closing the door behind him.


"What do you mean Frank?" I asked putting on eyeliner.

"Carmen doesn't seem to like that idea. I don't think she's very comfortable with Bob yet." Frank said looking worried.

I don't understand why he was so worried. Bob is a good guy, I've never thought he was a bad guy. Carmen needs to get comfortable with him at one point. She'll love him once they hang out. Plus it's ten-minute walk and then she'll be with the guards.

"Gerard? Hey man, are you okay?" Frank grabbed my shoulder.

"What? Yeah, go tell Carmen to follow Bob." I sighed.


"Carmen follow Bob to the stage alright?" Frank said sitting next to me.

"Can't you just take me?"

"No, Gee wants you to get to know Bob a little bit." Then he walked away.

I walked over to Bob and figured he already knew he was taking me to the stage. He started walking out of the bus and I followed. He turned around to look at me a few times, and each time he'd look behind me too. We almost reached the stage when Bob finally spoke.

"If we go this way you won't have to jump off the stage." His words were cold and harsh, but I nodded and continued to follow him. As soon as the fans could see him they all started to scream. He looked unphased. I on the other hand probably looked mortified. I scratched my hand even more.

"There's your spot." He pointed as he turned to walk away.

"Thank you, Bob." I said.

"Stop scratching your hand kid!" He yelled as he climbs up onstage, and went backstage.

I stood in my spot and talked with the man that stood next to me. It was five minutes before the concert starts, and I was so nervous. The man next to me was named Zach. Zach is twenty and has been to four MCR concerts.

The show started as fast as you can say MCR. The band was in the middle of singing 'Welcome To The Black Parade', I was sobbing and screaming the lyrics. Frank was busy with looking at Gerard, and the other members were focused on their parts.

I felt someone grab my waist but brushed it off until I felt another hand squeeze my butt. I froze, did I scream or stay quiet? Did I run or did I stay? The person slowly began pulling me, I could feel their breath on my neck. When they kissed my neck is when I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could.

"Frank! Frank look over here! Frank Please!" I was trying to make my way back to the barricade. It was a few feet away. "Frank Iero! Help! Frank! Frank, please look this way!" I screamed until everything felt fuzzy.

Frank looked at me and immediately made his way to Gerard and quickly pointed out. Gerard quit singing and yelled into the microphone.

"Get your hands off of her! If you can't keep your hands to yourself you can leave scumbag!" Gerard walked over to our side of the stage. He pointed us out the guards and the guards successfully got me away from the man. They took me back to the barricade and lifted me over. The fans went wild.

"Carmen are you okay? Carmen sweetie look at me." Gerard knelt in front of me. I was shaking and just slowly nodded.

"Gerard bring her up here." Frank said putting his guitar behind him and holding out his arms.

Gerard lifted up to frank and I quickly clung to him. The crowd was going insane. Gerard got back up and started talking to the crowd.

"Listen, guys, this is my daughter, Carmen. I love all of you, but I won't put up with that shit. You guys can jump around all you want, but so help me if you touch each other, I'll kick you out of this show." Gerard smiled at me and went over to him, leaving Frank's warm grasp. "Carmen say hello."

"Hi." I said into the microphone. The crowd said hello back and I couldn't help but hear someone yelling, asking me how old I was. "Gerard, can I tell them that?"

"If you want so kid."

"I'm fourteen. Nice to meet you all." I quickly went back to Frank after that. He helped me off the stage and I enjoyed the rest of the show in front of the barricade. Frank stayed close and a few times reached out and held my hand when he wasn't playing.

Back at the bus, we all got ready for bed. I was sitting on the couch staring at the wall. Thinking about the concert.


"She has been sitting there like that since we got back." Ray said sadly.

"Poor Carmen, we should have watched her better." Mikey said sighing

"I'm sorry Gee, I should have watched her closer. That guy seemed nice I saw them talking before the show started. I wasn't thinking. She's probably terrified." Frank said running his hands through his hair.

"It's no one's fault. We need to talk to her though. She shouldn't battle through this alone." I said walking to Carmen.

I sat on the couch next to her. She didn't even flinch. I looked at her for what felt like forever. She never looked at me.

"Carmen?" I said. She didn't reply. "Carmen, we need to talk." I went to put my hand on her shoulder, but she grabbed my wrist.

"Don't touch me." A tear slid down her cheek.

"Oh, Carmen." I signaled for the others to come over.


I wasn't sure what to think. I want a hug, but everything is setting in and I'm really scared. I heard shuffling and then the other guys were in front of me. Frank sat right in front of me on the floor.

"Frank, I-" I threw myself onto him. I sobbed into his chest. I could feel Frank cautiously hug me. He slowly got up and swayed. I felt my eyes slowly get heavy until I finally closed them. I felt a soft rush of cold and then warm flood over me.

Finally silence.

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