Chapter 17- Friendships and Hardships

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I woke up to the familiar sound of beeping and nurses. "son of a bitch" I mumbled. "Language doll." I hear Frank say and then grab my hand "You've been out for awhile Carmen, you not sleeping on the bus or something?" I shrugged shifting slightly "Do I ever sleep when we're on the bus?" Frank smiles "Guess not. You need anything? I can get you some water or something to eat if you want." I nodded "Gerard." Frank chuckles "How did I guess. I'll go get him he's probably bothering the nurses again." I nod curling up and closing my eyes again. Frank left the room after ruffling my hair softly. I could hear him telling gee to stop bother the nurses before they both walked into the room.

"Carmen!" Gerard said running over to me and hugging me. Keep in mind I was falling back to sleep and all of the sudden a huge man ran to my bed hugging me. "Gerard!" I smiled trying to sit up but ultimately got crushed by Gerard. "You okay? The doctors gave me your meds that you're gonna be taking. We can go once the nurse checks your vitals and probably does a little bit of blood work." Gerard rambled stroking my hair still hugging me. I nodded slightly starting to fall asleep again. He must have noticed cause he let go and sat down in the chair next to my bed. "No falling asleep kiddo." I stuck my tongue out "Too bad, I'm gonna" Frank smiles and sits at the foot of my bed "If you do I'll be forced to get the tickle monster." I chuckled but still closed my eyes "I'm not five, that stuff doesn't scare me." I felt him stand up. "Fine fine, I'll be back." He said leaving the room.

Minutes later I hear multiple footsteps charging towards my door. I furrowed my brows and opened my eyes. "What the fuck?" Gerard chuckled "I'd hide if I were you." I looked at him confused until Frank walked in with Ray and Bob. I waved slightly before they all bound towards me tickling my "No!" I laughed trying to push them away. "Gerard save me!" Gerard chuckled and started tickling me with the others "I grabbed my sides trying to get ray to stop poking them "No more! Please, I promise I won't sleep!" I laughed. I looked at the door as Mikey walked in "Mikey! Save me!" I sat up trying to get to the foot of my bed reaching Mikey as the others continued to tickle me. Mikey quickly grabbed me "Uncle Mikey to the rescue!" He smiled hugging me. I hugged back gratefully.

"Miss Way?" Mikey spins on his heels as we all look at the nurse who most likely saw the scene play out before her. She had a huge smile plastered on her face. "I'm here to take your vitals if you're ready." I nod as Mikey sets me back on my bed. "Can I leave afterward?" I say as she begins taking my vitals. The nurse nods "As soon as the doctor gives you the go ahead." I sigh as the nurse left the room "Geeee" I whine holding out the 'e' He smiles "What's up Carmen?" "Let's leave" I offered. He shook his head "No can do, the doctor needs to let us know you are good to leave" I sighed "fine." The doctor came in soon after with a fake smile plastered on his face "Miss Jo-" He blinked a few times "My apologies, Miss Way. You're free to leave whenever you'd like just make sure you have your..." he looked over to Gerard. "My dad?" His smile returns "Yes, your dad. Make sure he explains you're pills okay?" I nodded standing up and wobbling slightly. Gerard quickly picks me up "Thanks doc, hopefully, we won't see you anytime soon." The doctor nods "mhm, did you leave the gown in the bathroom, Miss Way?" I nodded slightly "Yeah, it should be in there." The doctor nods.

"Mr.Way, can you and your friends come out here? There are people on the phone for you." A nurse asked sweetly seeming apologetic. Gerard nodded setting on the bed "Stay here till we get back okay?" I smile and nod "Of course." The boys leave, leaving me alone with the doctor in the small bathroom in my room. The doctor chuckled to himself "Miss Way could you come help me find this gown of yours." I looked at the bathroom confused "Um, yeah I guess." I get up unsteadily and wobble over to the bathroom. The doctor pulls me into the room forcibly and covers my mouth. He quickly shuts and locks the door. "Hush now Carmen." I look at him trying to scream his hand squeezed my jaw tightly. "You're such a pretty little thing aren't you. So doll-like. Skin porcelain white, and hair and dark as night. Snow white perhaps." He kissed my neck I squirmed trying to get away but his grip on my tightened. "Now now, why don't you relax and let me fix you." I kick the door. He put his hand over my nose cutting off my air supply. My vision became blurry within seconds. Someone help me. Someone come in and hear him whispering in my ear. Someone save me. Then I blacked out.

Carmen Karma[Adopted by MCR]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum