Chapter 7- I Can't Make You Love Me

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"What?" Gerard's tears began to fall again. I can't believe what I just said. Did I say that?

"Do you hate Frank?" Yup, I said that.

Gerard sobbed into his knees. I hugged him and showed him the love I never got. I was being his protector. His mother. His father. His savior. I was being the savior he was to me.

"I love the little midget. I'd die for that son of a bitch." Gerard looked at me with bloodshot eyes. "I'd do anything for Frankie. Anything in the whole universe." I left after that.

I went and sat back that the table with the other guys. Bob had joined everyone else at the table. I sat next to Frank. I put my head on his shoulder and let out a shaky breath. The others stared at me with a concerned expression.

"Doll? You alright?" Frank pushed me up so he could look at me. "Hey, baby, why're you crying?" He wiped my face with his thumbs.

"Gerard, he-" Everything felt fuzzy and I felt like I was rocking.

"Carmen? Carmen when is the last time you ate? What did you eat?" Frank steadied me.

"She had cereal while you and Gee were fighting. I haven't seen her eat anything else except that and an apple three days ago." Mikey said grabbing me from frank. He sat with me on the couch and stroked my hair. "I know this isn't like me but, Frank if you don't fucking force this god damn girl to eat, I'll kick your ass." Mikey pointed to the fridge.

Frank immediately got up and started making something. I think it's soup. I heard Gerard come out but at that point I had my eyes closed. I just finished eating soup. Well more, frank spoon fed me soup.

"Carmen?" Gerard kneeled in front of Mikey. I looked at him. "Carmen, sweetie, I have something to tell you." He took a deep breath in. "And Frank."

I sat up and hugged him. He picked me up and twirled me around. Frank came in from the bathroom and then sat next to Mikey.

"You seem happy." He said angrily.

"Frankie. I need to talk to you and Carmen." Mikey stood up and went to the back with Bob and Ray.

"What is it." Frank said crossing his arms. "Do you want to yell at the kid too?"

"Frank, listen-" Gerard began.

"I'm not going to force you to like me. I can't make you love me. I won't make you love me, but I won't let you hurt Carmen either." Frank stated. "I love you Gerard you know that, and maybe you love me back. Right now, you clearly don't want anything to do with me though." Frank cried and so did Gerard.

Gerard lunged forward and kissed Frank. I stood there baffled and very awkward. Gerard pulled back and looked into Frank's eyes. "Frank Anthony Iero, I fucking love you. Will you be my official boyfriend, but also secret?"


"The fans Frank! I can't deal with the fans!"

Frank laughed and just nodded. "I'll be your boyfriend, you dork."

"Thanks, shortie." Gerard said walking into the bathroom.

I hugged Frank. He picked me up and walked back to the bunks. He set me in his bunk and then crawled up with me. "Get some sleep kid, it's late." The others had already gone to bed so everything was really dark. Gerard joined us a little while later. He was on the curtain side, Frank was on the wall side, and I was in the middle.

"Dad?" I whisper.

"Yes?" Gerard asked.

"Hmm?" Frank hummed.

"Oh. Sorry, I, I meant my actual dad. I miss him you know. Even if he was shitty. I talk to him each night.I actually have a bear he gave me in my bag." I said sadly laughing.

"Hey, we're your new dads now. Plus, you have your uncles Ray, Mikey, and Bob. We'll talk to your old dad tomorrow." Gerard said hugging me tightly.

"What does that mean?" I asked. "How are we talking to my dad?"

"We're going to see him. We have to get him to sign papers so you can truly be ours. He's in Oregon so we're heading there now." Frank said.

"What!" I yelled.

"Shh." Gerard put his finger on my mouth. "You won't have to see him. You'll stay in here with a social worker. We already have this planned out. You don't have to worry." Frank and Gerard cuddled closer to me.

"Okay. I love you guys." I said. "Goodnight."

The two were already out. I fell asleep not long after and before I knew it, I was sitting with the social worker.

[A/N] Sorry for the short chapter. I'm tired and just not in the fucking mood. I'll post a longer one either this weekend or next weekend. See ya later.

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