Chapter 1-The Concert

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"Carmen Jones?"


I raised my hand. My teacher, Mr. Davis, gave me a quick glance. Well, he was more of a substitute. My actual teacher is out on maternity leave, she is having twins, we had a small baby shower for her earlier this week before she left.

"Ms. Jones. Please come up to the front of the class."

I didn't even notice that Mr. Davis was behind me. I guess I should tell you about me. As you know my name is Carmen Jones, I go to Westerville high school, I'm a freshman, and that's about it.

"Ms. Jones?"

"Yes sir, I'm coming." I quickly got out of my seat and walked to the front of the room.

"This here is a young woman who doesn't understand the importance of education. She clearly cares more about her own world instead of school."

I couldn't say anything. I was completely frozen, the whole class was laughing as Mr.Davis continued to talk. I was on the verge of tears.

"Back to your seat Ms.Jones."

"Yes, sir."

I walked back to my seat and put my head down. I quietly pulled on the rubber band that I had wrapped around my wrist earlier today. I watched as the red marks slowly began to form on my wrist.

The bell rang ten minutes after that. I gathered up my books, put them in my bag, and walked with the rest of the crowd to the door.

"Ms. Jones, may I speak to you for a moment?"

Crap. I didn't think he'd notice me. I went to his desk instead of the door.

"Yes, sir?"

He pulled out a paper from the second drawer down on his desk. The paper was a blank sheet of paper. "Can you give this to your parents?" He said as he wrote a note on the paper.

I began to panic. I couldn't give this to my parents... mostly because my parents aren't in town at the moment.

"Sir, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I can't give this to my parents."

He raised his eyebrows. "And, why is that?"

"They're out of town right now." I pulled on the rubber band. "I'm sorry, sir."

"Aren't you staying with a relative? Could you give it to them?"

"No, sir. It's just me right now." I began to walk towards the door.

"Carmen," Mr.Davis looked upset. "if you need anything please, tell me."

"I will Mr.Davis."

He just called me by my first name, I thought. He has never called me by my name before. I walked out of the school with my old beat up bag. I walked down the street, took a right, and sat in an alley for a little.

My phone buzzed as soon as I slid down the brick wall. It was an alert about the My Chemical Romance concert tonight. It's truly a magnificent feeling knowing that something so wonderful has come out of the small world of New Jersey.

When I was younger I hated living here, because I wasn't allowed to go out and play most of the time. I didn't understand why so I'd cry. My mom would always tell me I could play tomorrow, but it never happened.

About an hour after sitting in that alley I walked to where the concert would take place that night. It was being held in a large building where most events in Jersey take place. I took a picture of the building with my polaroid camera.

"I wish I could go guys. Maybe next year." I said as if My Chemical Romance was right in front of me.

I walked away from the building. The streets were getting busy with people rushing to get to the concert building. I bumped into a few people, but one person in particular thought I did it deliberately.

"Watch it brat!" A man with a rough voice said. He pushed me into the nearest alley.
"I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean too." I said struggling to say the words.

"Sorry won't cut it." He went to hit my face. I closed my eyes, but the impact I was waiting for never came.

"I'd leave if I were you." A man said. I've heard his voice before, but I didn't know where.

I heard footsteps and then silence. I figured I was alone so I slid down the hard, brick wall, and let soft tears fall from my cheeks. I heard more footsteps and then other bodies surrounding me.

"I don't have cash, you can even check." I held out my bag.

"Kid, we don't want your money. We want to know if you're alright." I heard a different voice than before, yet it still sounded familiar.

I opened my eyes and couldn't believe what I was seeing. My Chemical Romance was sitting around me. Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro, and Mikey Way, were sitting, on the ground, around me.

"Hey there she is," said Frank with a friendly tone. "What's your name baby?"

"I'm sorry. It's Carmen." I quickly got out my sketchbook and a pen. "Could you sign this? I know it's probably a bad time, but I can't come to your concert so... I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing, it's fine we can sign your book, Give it here." Gerard said with a smile.

They all signed the first page of my sketchbook. The first page had a drawing of them on it.

"You're very talented." Ray said with amazement as he signed the picture.

"Thank you." I said quietly. I played with the rubber band on my wrist.

"So you're not coming to the show tonight? Why?" Mikey said.

"My pare- I mean, I don't have the money for it. Plus, I told my mom that I would uh, help make supper tonight." I pulled on the rubber band harder. It snapped. I can't believe I just lied to the ones who saved me.

Carmen Karma[Adopted by MCR]Where stories live. Discover now