Chapter15-Rock Bottom

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I sighed leaving the bunk to go help clean up. "I thought you'd keep her outta this stuff Gee." Frankie said tossing a beer can into the garbage. I nodded "I know I know, I didn't think I'd have to dump it though so I just left it." Mikey sighed "Well you were wrong so now there's no beer and a drunk 14-year-old on this bus." I nodded I know, but maybe it was a one-time thing. She should be good. Right?" Mikey nods "Yeah she'll be good once she's with mom." I shook my head "I don't want to send her" Frank sighs "Talk later you two. Clean now and check on Carmen." We nodded and started cleaning.

After checking on Carmen and leaving a bottle of water in her bed I went back out to sit at the table with the others. "We're sending her to mom's." Mikey said sternly "We don't have to. She could get better here." I said sadly. Ray shakes his head "I agree with Mikey on this on gee. She needs some consistency in her life for a while. We can't give her that if we're on a tour. Plus she could go to an actual school again and maybe make some friends." I shake my head again "She's not your kid." I mumble. They all look at me confused before Mikey looked me dead in the eyes "What?"

"You aren't her dad Mikey. I am. I should choose where she goes. Not her uncle and her dad's friends. Besides who says she needs consistency? Fuck off-" Frank puts his hand over my mouth "Gerard, shut up. You aren't the only one on her adoption papers. I'm also her father, and I say she goes." I shot up from the table "What the fuck do you mean Frankie? She's fine right god damn here! Fuck all of you if you think I'm sending her away!" Ray sighed "What happened to you agreeing with us? Huh?" I flipped him off "I thought about it, okay? I had a long conversation with myself and decided against it!"


I woke up in a drunken haze still not fully aware of what was going on. I sat up hitting my head on the ceiling "Shit" I mumbled. I could hear someone yelling. If I'm honest I have no clue where I am or who I'm with so here we go! I looked around and realized I was in a bunk so my initial reaction was to get the fuck out. I quickly got out and stumbled towards the yelling grabbing onto things as I went. "What the fuck is going on?" I mumbled and stumbling into a...a man? Gerard. Shit. I remember what happened.

"Carmen? Carmen, you need to sleep and drink water. Come on, come sit on the couch." Gerard said leading me to the couch. "Do you feel alright? Everything looks okay?" I didn't answer. No, more like I couldn't answer my head hurt and I was so confused. "Carmen? Can you hear me? You can hear me right?" I nodded slightly laying down. "Gee calm down you're gonna overwhelm her." Someone said. I was drifting in and out of sleep at this point. "She's not talking, and drank what 6 cans? What if she has alcohol poisoning? What if that's the only thing-" Then everything stopped. I got really cold and my ears were ringing. I grabbed my stomach starting to hyperventilate. I felt like I was floating out of my body like I could see it all happening.


"What if it's the only she's had today?" I looked at her sadly. My sadness quickly turned to worry as I watched her turn a greyish color and start to shiver. "Shit Carmen. Hey, can you hear me?" She was holding her stomach and hyperventilating. Frank put a hand on her forehead "Hey doll can you hear us?" he looked just as worried as me. "She's burning up. What do we do?" Mikey looked at her and ran a hand through his hair "We should take her to a hospital just in case." Ray nods "Yeah, we're are ahead of schedule and already in North Carolina so there should be a hospital somewhere around here." He said already talking to the tour bus driver. I nodded staring at Carmen starting to tear up.

About 20 minutes later we were all sitting in a waiting room waiting for news about Carmen. All we've heard is she's thrown up twice and she's underweight. Doctors and nurses have been in and out of her room for a while now, but there's still no sign of any good news. I think she's finally hit rock bottom. We might lose her to this one, she needs to be stopped. I can't let her ruin herself when she has so much to live for. I need to get her out of rock bottom no matter what.

[A/N] so update, I saw Twenty One Pilots live yesterday and I'm still in shock. Holy fuck was it amazing and I'm so glad that they are my first ever band to see live! Hope you guys are liking the new chapters by the way I'm gonna try to make the next one longer if that's okay with y'all! See ya!

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