Chapter 9- Trouble On The Bus

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Day 1:

My parents have spent most of their day in their bunks or talking with each other. The guys have only made small talk with me, so now I'm sitting alone in my bunk. I could hear my parents whispering about me again, and honestly, it was getting old. It was around dinner time. Rose left about three hours ago. I went out to the fridge to see if I could find anything to eat.

"What are you doing?" My father said leaning over me. "Make me and your mother dinner." He went back to his bunk.

The guys talked to each other and basically ignored me. Every so often I would catch one of them looking at me, but they'd always look away. I started making Cup Noodles for my parents. Once I finished both cups I took them back to my parents. My mother rejected the soup so I made her a salad with whatever vegetables we had.

"What do you mean you don't like it?" I asked my father annoyed and tired.

"I mean it tastes like shit. Make actual soup." He retorted sipping his beer.

"We don't have the ingredients for actual soup, just eat that one."


After arguing with my father he ended up throwing the soup on the floor and then went to bed. I went back to the kitchen and started looking for paper towels. Gerard and Frank were watching a movie, and Ray, Bob, and Mikey were playing a board game. Gerard and I made eye contact, I stared at him for a pretty long time before turning around.

"What was that for?" He questioned.

"Sorry, are you talking to me? You mean, you guys can actually see me? Wow, what a small world." I said in an annoyed tone. "Where are the paper towels?" I turned around to see a very hurt Gerard.

"They're in the top cupboard. I'll get them for you." Gerard said grabbing the paper towels for me. "We know you're here Carmen, we just-"

I grabbed the paper towels and went to the bunk area, ignoring Gerard. I cleaned up the spilled soup. I went back out to the kitchen, I threw away my garbage and then sat at the table. The others looked at me.

"What?" I felt like crying.

"We love you. You know that right?" Frank said. "We just can't help you right now."

"I know Frank. That's not what's bothering me. Just drop it." I went to my bunk and drifted to sleep.

Day Two:

I woke up around five thirty. I quickly got ready and started making breakfast for the guys and my parents. I made pancakes with a piece of toast and few berries. I set the table, and then poured everyone a cup of coffee, well except for Ray, I gave him juice. I went to the bunk area and turned on the light that was outside of the bunks. Everyone groaned hearing the click and seeing the light turn on.

"Breakfast is ready. I'd come out before it gets cold." I went back to the kitchen and living room area and started cleaning.

Everyone came out pretty quickly. My parents sat down first and then the band followed suit. I continued to clean up the kitchen area. I noticed my parents looking back and forth at each other. Then they nodded.

"Carmen?" I turned around. "Your father and I don't want you cooking for these men. They can feed themselves.

"So can you." Frank said drinking his coffee.

"Excuse me?" My mother said staring at Frank.

"Alright. I'll make sure only to cook for you, mother. I love you." I said rushing to clean up everybody's plates.

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